Guide to Maintenance Engineering -- Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Part 1 -- Organization And Management Of The Maintenance Function

Section 1--Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Maintenance

Section 2--Operating Policies Of Effective Maintenance

Section 3--Area And Centralized Maintenance Control

Section 4--Operating Practices To Reduce Maintenance Work

Section 5--Incentive Payment Of Maintenance Workers

Section 6--Reports From Maintenance

Section 7--Maintenance Skills Training

Part 2--The Horizons Of Maintenance Management

Section 1--Corrective Maintenance

Section 2--Components Of Effective Preventive Maintenance

Section 3--Predictive Maintenance

Section 4--Maintenance Work Order Planning

Section 5--An Introduction To The Computer In Maintenance

Section 6--Computerized Planning And Scheduling

Section 7--Maintenance Stores And Inventory Control

Section 8--Maintenance Storerooms

Section 9--Internet For Maintenance And Engineering

Part 3-- Establishing Costs And Control



This guide is written, almost exclusively, by those people who have had to face the acute never-ending problems of equipment failures, repairs, and upkeep, day by day, hour by hour, midnight shift by midnight shift. They understand better than most the extraordinary demands that every maintenance manager, planner, and craftsperson must face and overcome to meet the ever-changing maintenance requirements of today's plant.

It is the function of this guide to pass along invention, ingenuity, and a large dose of pure basic science to you, the user. This then is your key, your guide, and your chief support in the tempestuous battle of maintenance in the days and years ahead.

Through the excellent help of maintenance professionals, we believe we've included topics that will help you survive in the battle against excessive downtime, high maintenance costs, and myriad other problems that you as a maintenance professional must face each day.

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