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CONTENTS: 1. The Carpenter's Art
COLOR portfolio: Masterpieces of the Woodworker
2. Making a Multitude of Holes
3. The Knack of Shaping Wood
4. Making Perfect Joints
Credits and Acknowledgments Index/Glossary ![]() Time-Life Books Inc is a wholly owned subsidiary of TIME INCORPORATED Founder: Henry R Luce 1898-1967 Editor in Chief Chairman of the Board President Editorial Director Vice Chairman Henry Analole Grunwald Andrew Heiskell James R Shepley Ralph Craves Arthur Temple TIME-LIFE BOOKS INC Managing Editor Executive Editor Assistant Managing Editors Art Director Chief of Research Director of Photography Senior Text Editor Assistant Art Director Assistant Chief of Research Assistant Director of Photography Chairman President Executive Vice Presidents Vice Presidents Personnel Director Consumer Affairs Director Comptroller Editor Assistant Editor Designer Picture Editor Associate Designer Text Editors Staff Writers Chief Researcher Art Associates Editorial Assistant Production Editor Operations Manager Assistant Production Editor Quality Control Art Coordinator Copy Staff Picture Department Traffic Jerry Korn David Maness Dale M. Brown (planning). George Constable, George G Daniels (acting). Martin Mann, John Paul Porter Tom Suzuki David L Harrison Robert C Mason Diana Hirsh Arnold C Honeywell Carolyn L Sacketl Dolores A Littles Joan D Manley John D McSweeney Carl Glaeger. John Steven Maxwell. David ) Walsh Nicholas Benton (public relations). John L Canova (sales). Nicholas I C Ingleton ( Asia), James L. Mercer (Europe/South Pacific). Herbert Sorkm (production). Paul R Stewart (promotion). Peter G Barnes Beatrice T Dobie Carol Flaumenhaft George Arlandi HOME REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT--Editorial Staff for Working with Wood William Frankel David Thiemann Kenneth E Hancock Adrian Allen Daniel J. McSweeney Russell B Adams Jr., Leslie Marshall. Brooke Stoddard Lynn R Addison, William C Banks. Megan Barnett. Malachy Duffy, Steven J. Forbis, Bonnie Bohling Kreitler, William Worsley Phyllis K Wise George Bell. Lorraine D Rivard, Richard Whiting Susanne S Trice Editorial Production Douglas B Graham Gennaro C Esposito; Gordon J Buck (assistant) Feliciano Madrid Robert L Young (director), James J Cox (assistant). Michael G Wight (associate) Anne B Landry Susan B Galloway (chief), Margery duMond. Brian Miller. Celia Beattie Renee De Sandies Jeanne Potter Correspondents: Elisabeth Kraemer ( Bonn), Margot Hapgood, Dorothy Bacon. Lesley Coleman ( London); Susan Jonas, Lucy T Voulgans ( New York). Maria Vincenza Aloisi, Josephine du Brusle (Pans), Ann Natanson ( Rome). Valuable assistance was also given by Carolyn T Chubet, Miriam Hsia ( New York) Ron Roszkiewicz, the chief consultant for this book, is an accomplished wood craftsman who develops tool specifications and prepares catalogs and instructional guides for a hand-tool supply company W Flinn Settle is a carpenter specializing in custom made home interiors Marc Shapiro, an amateur potter and glassblower, is a professional carpenter who specializes in the design and execution of home remodeling projects. Danny J Smith is an instructor of residential carpentry at the Arlington, Virginia. Career Center Roswell Ward is a consulting structural engineer and a professional home inspector in northern Michigan He has written professional papers on wood frame construction techniques. Harris Mitchell, special consultant for Canada, has worked in the field of home repair and improvement for more than two decades He is editor of the magazine Canadian Homes and author of a syndicated newspaper column, "You Wanted to Know," as well as a number of books on home improvement. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Time-Life Books. Working with wood (Home repair and improvement, 18) Includes index. 1. Carpentry-Amateurs' manuals; 2. House construction Amateurs' manuals; 3. Dwellings-Maintenance and repair Amateurs manuals I Title THS60b T55694 79 13460 ISBN 0-8094-2428 2 ISBN 0-8094-2427-4 lib bdg (c) 1979 Time-Life Books Inc. All rights reserved. |
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