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Carpentry books ContentsPlanning and Scheduling A Pictorial Index The Basic Systems Materials Takeoffs Choosing the Materials Measuring and Marking 24 Cutting 27 Shaping 33 Surfacing 35 Fastening 39 An Overview 46 Exterior Window Trim 48 Exterior Door Trim 52 Other Exterior Trim 53 Exterior Stairs and Railings 58 Sequence of Activities 64 Ceilings 65 Wallboard Ceilings and Walls 67 Wall Paneling 75 Closets 79 Cabinets 82 Shelves 91 Interior Stairs and Railings 93 Interior Window Trim 95 Interior Door Trim 99 Other Interior Trim 100 Front Cover: This handsome finish trim is made up of standard moldings available at any well-stocked building center. Such a column can be used for decorative purposes or to conceal utility lines or heating ducts. Back Cover: Top left: This handcrafted tool chest contains an assortment of carpentry hand tools that are organized in a way that makes them readily accessible. Top right: Exterior finish work is not only functional, but it enhances the appearance of your home as well. Bottom left: Standard molding pieces used in innovative ways add elegance to an ordinary stairway column. Bottom right: The chisels, multiplane, router, and lathe shown here are some of the hand and power tools that can be used to shape wood into almost any conceivable pattern for custom finish work. Finish Carpentry Basics This book covers the crowning touches of most home-improvement projects, including interior trim, exterior trim, wallboard, paneling, stairs, railings, shelves, closets, cabinets, and mantels. There is also information about time-saving tools, such as pneumatic nailers and power miter saws.
------------ Created and Designed by the Editorial Staff of Ortho Books Project Editor: Barbara Feller-Roth Writers: Craig Bergquist Charles Huddleston Illustrators: Edith Allgood Ron Hildebrand
PORTALIGN is a registered trademark of Portalign Tool Company. SURFORM is a registered trademark of Stanley Rawer Tools. No portion of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or illustrations. Before purchasing materials discussed in this book, be sure to check with local building authorities to verify and review all construction steps. Every effort has been made at the time of publication to guarantee the accuracy of the names and addresses of information sources and suppliers, and in the technical data and recommendations contained However, readers should check for their own assurance and must be responsible for selection and use of suppliers, supplies, materials, and chemical products. Address all inquiries to: Meredith Corporation Ortho Books 1716 Locust St Des Moines. IA 50309-3023 If you would like more information on other Ortho products, call 800-225-2883 or visit www.ortho.com Copyright© 1983, 1991 The Scotts Company All rights reserved under international and Pan-American copyright conventions. 99 (X) 01 02 03 ISBN 0-89721-236-3 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-86163 Also see: Quick, Cost-Effective Home Upgrades [Ortho series]
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