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PART IISOFTWARE TESTINGTesting is one of the most important parts of quality assurance (QA) and the most commonly performed QA activity. Commonly used testing techniques and issues related to testing are covered in Part II. We first provide an overview of all the important issues related to testing in Section 6, followed by descriptions of major test activities, management, and automation in Section 7, specific testing techniques in Sections 8 through 11, and practical application of testing techniques and their integration in Section 12. Section 6TESTING: CONCEPTS, ISSUES, AND TECHNIQUESThe basic idea of testing involves the execution of software and the observation of its behavior or outcome. If a failure is observed, the execution record is analyzed to locate and fix the fault(s) that caused the failure. Otherwise, we gain some confidence that the software under testing is more likely to fulfill its designated functions. We cover basic concepts, issues, and techniques related to testing in this Section. 1. PURPOSES, ACTIVITIES, PROCESSES, AND CONTEXT We first present an overview of testing in this section by examining the motivation for testing, the basic activities and process involved in testing, and how testing fits into the overall software quality assurance (QA) activities. Testing: Why? Similar to the situation for many physical systems and products, the purpose of software testing is to ensure that the software systems would work as expected when they are used by their target customers and users. The most natural way to show this fulfillment of expectations is to demonstrate their operation through some "dry-runs" or controlled experimentation in laboratory settings before the products are released or delivered. In the case of software products, such controlled experimentation through program execution is generally called testing. Because of the relatively defect-free manufacturing process for software as compared to the development process, we focus on testing in the development process. We run or execute the implemented software systems or components to demonstrate that they work as expected. Therefore, "demonstration of proper behavior" is a primary purpose of testing, which can also be interpreted as providing evidence of quality in the context of software QA, or as meeting certain quality goals. However, because of the ultimate flexibility of software, where problems can be corrected and fixed much more easily than traditional manufacturing of physical products and systems, we can benefit much more from testing by fixing the observed problems within the development process and deliver software products that are as defect-free as our budget or environment allows. As a result, testing has become a primary means to detect and fix software defects under most development environments, to the degree that "detecting and fixing defects" has eclipsed quality demonstration as the primary purpose of testing for many people and organizations. To summarize, testing fulfills two primary purposes: --to demonstrate quality or proper behavior; --to detect and fix problems. In this guide, we examine testing and describe related activities and techniques with both these purposes in mind, and provide a balanced view of testing. For example, when we analyze the testing results, we focus more on the quality or reliability demonstration aspect. On the other hand, when we test the internal implementations to detect and remove faults that were injected into the software systems in the development process, we focus more on the defect detection and removal aspect. Major activities and the generic testing process The basic concepts of testing can be best described in the context of the major activities involved in testing. Although there are different ways to group them (Musa, 1998; Burnstein, 2003; Black, 2004), the major test activities include the following in roughly chronological order: --Test planning and preparation, which set the goals for testing, select an overall testing strategy, and prepare specific test cases and the general test procedure. --Test execution and related activities, which also include related observation and measurement of product behavior. Analysis and follow-up, which include result checking and analysis to determine if a failure has been observed, and if so, follow-up activities are initiated and monitored to ensure removal of the underlying causes, or faults, that led to the observed failures in the first place. The overall organization of these activities can be described by the generic testing process illustrated in Figure 1. A brief comparison of it with the generic quality engineering process in Figure 1 reveals many similarities. In fact, we can consider this generic testing process as an instantiation of the generic quality engineering process to testing. The major test activities are centered around test execution, or performing the actual tests. At a minimum, testing involves executing the software and communicating the related observations. In fact, many forms of informal testing include just this middle group of activities related to test execution, with some informal ways to communicate the results and fix the defects, but without much planning and preparation. However, as we will see in the rest of Part II, in all forms of systematic testing, the other two activity groups, particularly test planning and preparation activities, play a much more important role in the overall testing process and activities. The execution of a specific test case, or a sub-division of the overall test execution sequence for some systems that require continuous operation, is often referred to as a "test run". One of the key component to effective test execution is the handling of problems to ensure that failed runs will not block the executions of other test cases. This is particularly important for systems that require continuous operation. To many people, defect fixing is not considered to be a part of testing, but rather a part of the development activities. However, re-verification of problem fixes is considered as a part of testing. In this guide, we consider all of these activities as a part of testing. Data captured during execution and other related measurements can be used to locate and fix the underlying faults that led to the observed failures. After we have determined if a test run is a success or failure, appropriate actions can be initiated for failed runs to locate and fix the underlying faults. In addition, further analyses can be performed to provide valuable feedback to the testing process and to the overall development process in general. These analysis results provide us with assessments of the current status with respect to progress, effort, defect, and product quality, so that decisions, such as when to stop testing, can be made based on facts instead of on people's gut feelings. In addition, some analyses can also help us identify opportunities for long-term product quality improvement. Therefore, various other activities, such as measurement, analysis, and follow-up activities, also need to be supported.
Sub-activities in test planning and preparation Because of the increasing size and complexity of today's software products, informal testing without much planning and preparation becomes inadequate. Important functions, features, and related software components and implementation details could be easily overlooked in such informal testing. Therefore, there is a strong need for planned, monitored, managed and optimized testing strategies based on1 systematic considerations for quality, formal models, and related techniques. Test cases can be planned and prepared using such testing strategies, and test procedures need to be prepared and followed. The pre-eminent role of test planning and preparation in overall testing is also illustrated in Figure 1, by the much bigger box for related activities than those for other activities. Test planning and preparation include the following sub-activities: Goal setting: This is similar to the goal setting for the overall quality engineering process described in Section 5. However, it is generally more concrete here, because the quality views and attributes have been decided by the overall quality engineering process. What remains to be done is the specific testing goals, such as reliability or coverage goals, to be used as the exit criteria. This topic will be discussed further in Section 6.4 in connection to the question: "When to stop testing?". Test case preparation: This is the activity most people naturally associate with test preparation. It includes constructing new test cases or generating them automatically, selecting from existing ones for legacy products, and organizing them in some systematic ways for easy execution and management. In most systematic testing, these test cases need to be constructed, generated, or selected based on some formal models associated with formal testing techniques covered in Sections 8 through 11. Test procedure preparation: This is an important activity for test preparation. For systematic testing on a large scale for most of today's software products and software-intensive systems, a formal procedure is more of a necessity than a luxury. It can be defined and followed to ensure effective test execution, problem handling and resolution, and the overall test process management. Testing as a part of QA in the overall software process In the overall framework of software quality engineering, testing is an integral part of the QA activities. In our classification scheme based on different ways of dealing with defects in Section 3, testing falls into the category of defect reduction alternatives that also include inspection and various static and dynamic analyses. Unlike inspection, testing detects faults indirectly through the execution of software instead of critical examination used in inspection. However, testing and inspection often finds different kinds of problems, and may be more effective under different circumstances. Therefore, inspection and testing should be viewed more as complementary QA alternatives instead of competing ones. Similarly, other QA alternatives introduced in Section 3 and described in Part III may be used to complement testing as well. For example, defect prevention may effectively reduce defect injections during software development, resulting in fewer faults to be detected and removed through testing, thus reducing the required testing effort and expenditure. Formal verification can be used to verify the correctness of some core functions in a product instead of applying exhaustive testing to them. Fault tolerance and failure containment strategies might be appropriate for critical systems where the usage environment may involve many unanticipated events that are hard or impossible to test during development. As we will examine later in Section 17, different QA alternatives have different strengths and weaknesses, and a concerted effort and a combined strategy involving testing and other QA techniques are usually needed for effective QA. As an important part of QA activities, testing also fits into various software development processes as an important phase of development or as important activities accompanying other development activities. In the waterfall process, testing is concentrated in the dedicated testing phase, with some unit testing spread over to the implementation phases and some late testing spread over to the product release and support phase (Zelkowitz, 1988). However, test preparation should be started in the early phases. In addition, test result analyses and follow-up activities should be carried out in parallel to testing, and should not stop even after extensive test activities have stopped, to ensure discovered problems are all resolved and long-term improvement initiatives are planned and carried out. Although test activities may fit into other development processes somewhat differently, they still play a similarly important role. In some specific development processes, testing plays an even more important role. For example, test-driven development plays a central role in extreme programming (Beck, 2003). Various maintenance activities also need the active support of software testing. All these issues will be examined further in Section 12 in connection to testing sub-phases and specialized test tasks. 2. QUESTIONS ABOUT TESTING We next discuss the similarities and differences among different test activities and techniques by examining some systematic questions about testing. Basic questions about testing Our basic questions about testing are related to the objects being tested, perspectives and views used in testing, and overall management and organization of test activities, as described below: --What artifacts are tested? The primary types of objects or software artifacts to be tested are software programs or code written in different programming languages. Program code is the focus of our testing effort and related testing techniques and activities. A related question, "What other artifacts can also be tested?", is answered in Section 12 in connection to specialized testing. --What to test, and what kind of faults is found? Black-box (or functional) testing verifies the correct handling of the external functions provided or supported by the software, or whether the observed behavior conforms to user expectations or product specifications. White-box (or structural) testing verifies the correct implementation of internal units, structures, and relations among them. When black-box testing is performed, failures related to specific external functions can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed. The emphasis is on reducing the chances of encountering functional problems by target customers. On the other hand, when white-box testing is performed, failures related to internal implementations can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed. The emphasis is on reducing internal faults so that there is less chance for failures later on no matter what kind of application environment the software is subjected to. Related issues are examined in Section 3. When, or at what defect level, to stop testing? Most of the traditional testing techniques and testing sub-phases use some coverage information as the stopping criterion, with the implicit assumption that higher coverage means higher quality or lower levels of defects. On the other hand, product reliability goals can be used as a more objective criterion to stop testing. The coverage criterion ensures that certain types of faults are detected and removed, thus reducing the number of defects to a lower level, although quality is not directly assessed. The usage-based testing and the related reliability criterion ensure that the faults that are most likely to cause problems to customers are detected and removed, and the reliability of the software reaches certain targets before testing stops. Related issues are examined in Section 4. Questions about testing techniques Many different testing techniques can be applied to perform testing in different sub-phases, for different types of products, and under different environments. Various questions regarding these testing techniques can help us get a better understanding of many related issues, including: What is the specific testing technique used? This question is answered in connection with the what-to-test and stopping-criteria in Sections 3 and 4. Many commonly used testing techniques are described in detail in Sections 8 through 11. What is the underlying model used in a specific testing technique? Since most of the systematic techniques for software testing are based on some formalized models, we need to examine the types and characteristics of these models to get a better understanding of the related techniques. In fact, the coverage of major testing techniques in Sections 8 through 11 is organized by the different testing models used, as follows: --There are two basic types of models: those based on simple structures such as checklists and partitions in Section 8, and those based on finite-state machines (FSMs) in Section 10. --The above models can be directly used for testing basic coverage defined accordingly, such as coverage of checklists and partitions in Section 8 and coverage of FSM states and transitions in Section 10. --For usage-based testing, minor modifications to these models are made to associate usage probabilities to partition items as in Musa's operational profiles in Section 8 and to make state transitions probabilistic as in Markov chain based statistical testing in Section 10. --Some specialized extensions to the two basic models can be used to support several commonly used testing techniques, such as input domain testing that extends partition ideas to input sub-domains and focuses on testing related boundary conditions in Section 9, and control flow and data flow testing (CFT & DFT) that extends FSMs to test complete execution paths or to test data dependencies in execution and interactions in Section 11. Are techniques for testing in other domains applicable to software testing? Examples include error/fault seeding, mutation, immunization and other techniques used in physical, biological, social, and other systems and environments. These questions are examined in Section 12, in connection to specialized testing. --If multiple testing techniques are available, can they be combined or integrated for better effectiveness or efficiency? This question is the central theme of our test integration discussions in Section 12. Different techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages, different applicability and effectiveness under different environments. They may share many common ideas, models, and other artifacts. Therefore, it makes sense to combine or integrate different testing techniques and related activities to maximize product quality or other objectives while minimizing total cost or effort. Questions about test activities and management Besides the questions above, various other questions can also be used to help us analyze and classify different test activities. Some key questions are about initiators and participants of these activities, organization and management of specific activities, etc., as follows: --Who performs which specific activities? Different people may be involved in different roles. This issue is examined in Section 7 in connection to the detailed description of major test activities. A related issue is the automation of some of these manual tasks performed by people, also discussed in Section 7. --When can specific test activities be performed? Because testing is an execution-based QA activity, a prerequisite to actual testing is the existence of the implemented software units, components, or system to be tested, although preparation for testing can be carried out in earlier phases of software development. As a result, actual testing of large software systems is typically organized and divided into various sub-phases starting from the coding phase up to post-release product support. A related question is the possibility of specialized testing activities that are more applicable to specific products or specific situations instead of to specific sub-phases. Issues related to these questions are examined in Section 12. --What process is followed for these test activities? We have answered this question in Section 1. Some related management issues are also discussed in Section 7 --Is test automation possible? And if so, what kind of automated testing tools are available and usable for specific applications? These questions and related issues are examined in Section 7 in connection with major test activities and people's roles and responsibilities in them. --What artifacts are used to manage the testing process and related activities? This question is answered in Section 7 in connection with test activities management issues. --What is the relationship between testing and various defect-related concepts? This question has been answered above and in Section 3. --What is the general hardware/software/organizational environment for testing? This questions is addressed in Section 7, in connection with major test activities management issues. --What is the product type or market segment for the product under testing? Most of the testing techniques we describe are generally applicable to most application domains. Some testing techniques that are particularly applicable or suitable to specific application domains or specific types of products are also included in Section 12. We also attempt to cover diverse product domains in our examples throughout the guide. The above lists may not be all-inclusive lists of questions and issues that can be used to classify and examine testing techniques and related activities. However, they should include most of the important questions people ask regarding testing and important issues discussed in testing literature (Howden, 1980; Myers, 1979; Miller and Howden, 1981; Beizer, 1990; Burnstein, 2003; Black, 2004; Huo et al., 2003). We use the answers to these questions as the basis for test classification and examination, and to organize our Sections on testing. 3. FUNCTIONAL VS. STRUCTURAL TESTING: WHAT TO TEST? The main difference between functional and structural testing is the perspective and the related focus: Functional testing focus on the external behavior of a software system or its various components, while viewing the object to be tested as a black-box that prevents us from seeing the contents inside. On the other hand, structural testing focus on the internal implementation, while viewing the object to be tested as a white-box that allows us to see the contents inside. Therefore, we start further discussion about these two basic types of testing by examining the objects to be tested and the perspectives taken to test them. Objects and perspectives As the primary type of objects to be tested, software programs or code exists in various forms and is written in different programming languages. They can be viewed either as individual pieces or as an integrated whole. Consequently, there are different levels of testing corresponding to different views of the code and different levels of abstraction, as follows: --At the most detailed level, individual program elements can be tested. This includes testing of individual statements, decisions, and data items, typically in a small scale by focusing on an individual program unit or a small component. Depending on the different programming languages used, this unit may correspond to a function, a procedure, a subroutine or a method. As for the components, concepts may vary, but generally include a collection of smaller units that together accomplish something or form an object. --At the intermediate level, various program elements or program components may be treated as an interconnected group, and tested accordingly. This could be done at component, sub-system, or system levels, with the help of some models to capture the interconnection and other relations among different elements or components. --At the most abstract level, the whole software systems can be treated as a "blackbox", while we focus on the functions or input-output relations instead of the internal implementation. In each of the above abstraction levels, we may choose to focus on either the overall behavior or the individual elements that make up the objects of testing, resulting in the difference between functional testing and structural testing. The tendency is that at higher levels of abstraction, functional testing is more likely to be used; while at lower levels of abstraction, structural testing is more likely to be used. However, the other pairing is also possible, as we will see in some specific examples later. Corresponding to these different levels of abstraction, actual testing for large software systems is typically organized and divided into various sub-phases starting from the coding phase up to post-release product support, including unit testing, component testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing, beta testing, etc. Unit testing and component testing typically focus on individual program elements that are present in the unit or component. System testing and acceptance testing typically focus on the overall operations of the software system as a whole. These testing sub-phases are described in Section 12. NEXT>> Also see: |