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Functional or black-box testing (BBT) Functional testing verifies the correct handling of the external functions provided by the software, through the observation of the program external behavior during execution. Because the software is treated as a black-box, with the external behavior observed through its input, output, and other observable characteristics, it is also commonly referred to as black-box testing (BBT). In this guide, we use these two terms interchangeably. The simplest form of BBT is to start running the software and make observations in the hope that it is easy to distinguish between expected and unexpected behavior. This form of testing is also referred to as "ad hoc" testing. Some unexpected behavior, such as a crash, is easy to detect. Once we determine that it is caused by software through repeated execution to eliminate the possibilities of hardware problems, we can pass the information to responsible parties to have the problem fixed. In fact, this is the common way through which problems experienced by actual customers are reported and fixed. Another common form of BBT is the use of specification checklists, which list the external functions that are supposed to be present, as well as some information about the expected behavior or input-output pairing. Notice here that we used the term input to mean any action, artifact, or resource provided in the process of running a program, either at the beginning or at any time during the program execution. Similarly, we use the term output to mean any action, artifact, or result produced by the running program, either at the end or at any time during the program execution. Concrete examples of input to a calculator program might include the specific numbers entered and the action requested, such as division operation of two numbers. The output could be the actual division result, or some error message, such as when attempting to divide by zero. When problems are observed, specific follow-up actions are carried out to fix them. More formalized and systematic BBT can be based on some formal models. These formal testing models are derived from system requirement or functional specifications. Some traditional white-box testing techniques can also be adapted to perform BBT, such as control-flow and data-flow testing for external functional units instead of for internal implementations. BBT can follow the generic testing process described in Section 1 to carry out the major test activities of planning, execution, and follow-up. In test planning, the focus is on identifying the external functions to test, and deriving input conditions to test these functions. The identified external functions are usually associated with some user expectations, from which both the input and the expected output can be derived to form the test cases. For example, for a compiler, the input is source code to be compiled, and the output is the resulting object or executable code. Part of the expected behavior is system termination, that is, the compiler should produce some output within a limited amount of time. Another part of the expected behavior is that if illegal programs are provided as input, object or executable code will not be generated, and the reason should be given. Therefore, a collection of programs to be compiled constitutes the test suite, or the collection of test cases. This test suite should typically consist of both legal and illegal programs to cover the expected spectrum of input. The testing goals may be stated explicitly as exit quality levels or implicitly as the completion of planned test cases. The focus of test execution during BBT is to observe the external behavior, to ensure orderly execution of all the test cases, and to record execution information for analysis and follow-up activities. If the observed behavior patterns cannot be immediately identified as failures, information needs to be recorded for further analysis. In the above example of the compiler, the output produced and the execution trace should be recorded, as well as the exact set-up under which the compiler operated. Once the execution result is obtained, either individually or as a set, analyses can be carried out to compare the specific behavior and output with the expected ones. This comparison to determine if it is expected behavior or if a failure occurred is called the testing oracle problem. Thus BBT checks whether the observed behavior conforms to user expectations or product specifications. Failures related to specific external functions can be observed, leading to follow-up activities where corresponding faults are detected and removed. The emphasis is on reducing the chances of encountering functional problems by target customers. Information recorded at test execution is used in these follow-up activities to recreate failure scenarios, to diagnose problems, to locate failure causes and identify specific faults in software design and code, and to fix them. An important followup decision, when to stop testing, can be determined either using the traditional functional coverage criteria or reliability criteria, as further elaborated in Section 4. Structural or white-box testing (WBT) Structural testing verifies the correct implementation of internal units, such as program statements, data structures, blocks, etc., and relations among them. This is done through test execution by observing the program behavior related to these specific units. Because the software is treated as a white-box, or more appropriately a glass-box or a transparent box, where one can see through to view the internal units and their interconnections, it is also commonly referred to as white-box testing (WBT) in literature. In keeping with this convention, we also label this as WBT, with the understanding that this "white-box'' is really transparent so that the tester can see through it. In this guide, we also use the two terms, structural testing and WBT, interchangeably. Because the connection between execution behavior and internal units needs to be made in WBT, various software tools are typically used. The simplest form of WBT is statement coverage testing through the use of various debugging tools, or debuggers, which help us in tracing through program executions. By doing so, the tester can see if a specific statement has been executed, and if the result or behavior is expected. One of the advantages is that once a problem is detected, it is also located. However, problems of omission or design problems cannot be easily detected through WBT, because only what is present in the code is tested. Another important point worth noting is that the tester needs to be very familiar with the code under testing to trace through its executions. Consequently, WBT and related activities are typically performed by the programmers themselves because of their intimate knowledge of the specific program unit under testing. This dual role also makes defect fixing easy. Similar to the situation for BBT, more formalized and systematic WBT can be based on some formal models. These formal testing models are typically derived from system implementation details. In fact, the majority of the traditional testing techniques is based on program analyses and program models, and therefore is white-box in nature. WBT can also follow the generic testing process described in Section 1, to carry out the major test activities of planning, execution, and follow-up. However, because of the extensive amount of implementation knowledge required, and due to the possibility of combinatorial explosions to cover these implementation details, WBT is typically limited to a small scale. For small products, not much formal testing process is needed to plan and execute test cases, and to follow up on execution results. For unit testing of large products, the WBT activities are carried out in the encompassing framework where most of the planning is subject to the environment; and the environmental constraints pretty much determine what can be done. Therefore, test planning plays a much less important role in WBT than in BBT. In addition, defect fixing is made easy by the tight connection between program behavior and program units, and through the dual role played by the programmers as testers. Consequently, not much formal testing process is needed. The stopping criteria are also relatively simple: Once planned coverage has been achieved, such as exercising all statements, all paths, etc., testing can stop. Sometimes, internal quality measures, such as defect levels, can also be used as a stopping criterion. Comparing BBT with WBT To summarize, the key question that distinguishes black-box testing (BBT) from white-box testing (WBT) is the "perspective" question: --Perspective: BBT views the objects of testing as a black-box while focusing on testing the input-output relations or external functional behavior; while WBT views the objects as a glass-box where internal implementation details are visible and tested. BBT and WBT can also be compared by the way in which they address the following questions: --Objects: Although the objects tested may overlap occasionally, WBT is generally used to test small objects, such as small software products or small units of large software products; while BBT is generally more suitable for large software systems or substantial parts of them as a whole. --Timeline: WBT is used more in early sub-phases of testing for large software systems, such as unit and component testing, while BBT is used more in late sub-phases, such as system and acceptance testing. --Defect focus: In BBT, failures related to specific external functions can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed. The emphasis is on reducing the chances of encountering functional problems by target customers. In WBT, failures related to internal implementations can be observed, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed directly. The emphasis is on reducing internal faults so that there is less chance for failures later on no matter what kind of application environment the software is subjected to. --Defect detection and fixing: Defects detected through WBT are easier to fix than those through BBT because of the direct connection between the observed failures and program units and implementation details in WBT. However, WBT may miss certain types of defects, such as omission and design problems, which could be detected by BBT. In general BBT is effective in detecting and fixing problems of interfaces and interactions, while WBT is effective for problems localized within a small unit. --Techniques: Various techniques can be used to build models and generate test cases to perform systematic BBT, and others can be used for WBT, with some of the same techniques being able to be used for both WBT and BBT. A specific technique is a BBT one if external functions are modeled; while the same technique can be a WBT one if internal implementations are modeled. --Tester: BBT is typically performed by dedicated professional testers, and could also be performed by third-party personnel in a setting of IV&V (independent verification and validation); while WBT is often performed by developers themselves. 4. COVERAGE-BASED VS. USAGE-BASED TESTING: WHEN TO STOP TESTING? For most of the testing situations, the answer to the question "when to stop testing?' depends on the completion of some pre-planned activities, coverage of certain entities, or whether a pre-set goal has been achieved. We next describe the use of different exit criteria and the corresponding testing techniques. When to stop testing? The question, "when to stop testing", can be refined into two different questions: --On a small or a local scale, we can ask: "When to stop testing for a specific test activity?' This question is also commonly associated with different testing subphases. --On a global scale, we can ask: "When to stop all the major test activities?" Because the testing phase is usually the last major development phase before product release, this question is equivalent to: "When to stop testing and release the product?' These questions may yield different answers, leading us to different testing techniques and related activities. Without a formal assessment for decision making, decision to stop testing can usually be made in two general forms: --Resource-based criteria, where decision is made based on resource consumptions. The most commonly used such stopping criteria are: --"Stop when you run out of time." --"Stop when you run out of money." Such criteria are irresponsible, as far as product quality is concerned, although they may be employed if product schedule or cost are the dominant concerns for the product in question. --Activity-based criteria, commonly in the form: --"Stop when you complete planned test activities." This criterion implicitly assumes the effectiveness of the test activities in ensuring the quality of the software product. However, this assumption could be questionable without strong historical evidence based on actual data from the project concerned. Because of these shortcomings, informal decisions without using formal assessments have very limited use in managing the testing process and activities for large software systems. We next examine exit criteria based on formal analyses and assessments. On the global level, the exit from testing is associated with product release, which determined the level of quality that a customer or a user could expect. In our overall software quality engineering process, this decision is associated with achieving quality goals, as well as achieving other project goals in the overall software development process. Therefore, the most direct and obvious way to make such product release decisions is the use of various reliability assessments. When the assessment environment is similar to the actual usage environment for customers. the resulting reliability measurement would be directly meaningful to these customers. The basic idea in using reliability criterion is to set a reliability goal in the quality planning activity during product planning and requirement analysis, and later on to compare the reliability assessment based on testing data to see if this pre-set goal has been reached. If so, the product can be released. Otherwise, testing needs to continue and product release needs to be deferred. Various models exist today to provide reliability assessments and improvement based on data from testing, as described in Section 22. One important implication of using this criterion for stopping testing is that the reliability assessments should be close to what actual users would expect, which requires that the testing right before product release resembles actual usages by target customers. This requirement resulted in the so-called usage-based testing. On the other hand, because of the large number of customers and usage situations, exhaustive coverage of all the customer usage scenarios, sequences, and patterns is infeasible. Therefore, an unbiased statistical sampling is the best that we can hope for, which results in usage-based statistical testing (UBST) that we will describe later in this section. Some specific techniques for such testing are described in Sections 8 and 10. For earlier sub-phases of testing, or for stopping criteria related to localized test activities, reliability definition based on customer usage scenarios and frequencies may not be meaningful. For example, many of the internal components are never directly used by actual users, and some components associated with low usage frequencies may be critical for various situations. Under these situations, the use of reliability criterion may not be meaningful or may lead to inadequate testing of some specific components. Alternative exit criteria are needed. For example, as a rule of thumb: "Products should not be released unless every component has been tested." Criteria similar to this have been adopted in many organizations to test their products and related components. We call these criteria coverage criteria, which involve coverage of some specific entities, such as components, execution paths, statements, etc. The use of coverage criteria is associated with defining appropriate coverage for different testing techniques, linking what was tested with what was covered in some formal assessments. One implicit assumption in using coverage as the stopping criterion is that everything covered is defect free with respect to this specific coverage aspect, because all defects discovered by the suite of test cases that achieved this coverage goal would have been fixed or removed before product release. This assumption is similar to the one above regarding the effectiveness of test activities, when we use the completion of planned test activities as the exit criterion. However, this assumption is more likely to be enforced because specific coverage is closely linked to specific test cases. From the quality perspective, the coverage criteria are based on the assumption that higher levels of coverage mean higher quality, and a specific quality goal can be translated into a specific coverage goal. However, we must realize that although there is a general positive correlation between coverage and quality, the relationship between the two is not a simple one. Many other factors need to be considered before an accurate quality assessment can be made based on coverage. For example, different testing techniques and sub-phases may be effective in detecting and removing different types of defects, leading to multistage reliability growth and saturation patterns (Horgan and Mathur, 1995). Nevertheless, coverage information gives us an approximate quality estimate, and can be used as the exit criterion when actual reliability assessment is unavailable, such as in the early sub-phases of testing. Usage-based statistical testing (UBST) and operational profiles (OPs) At one extreme, actual customer usage of software products can be viewed as a form of usage-based testing. When problems are experienced by these customers, some information about the problems, can be reported to software vendors, and integrated fixes can be constructed and delivered to all the customers to prevent similar problems from occurring. However, these post-product-release defect fixing activities could be very expensive because of the massive numbers of software installations. Frequent fixes could also damage the software vendor's reputation and long-term business viability. The so-called beta test makes use of this usage-and-fix to the advantage of software vendors, through controlled software release so that these beta customers help software development organizations improve their software quality. In general, if the actual usage, or anticipated usage for a new product, can be captured and used in testing, product reliability could be most directly assured. In usage-based statistical testing (UBST), the overall testing environment resembles the actual operational environment for the software product in the field, and the overall testing sequence, as represented by the orderly execution of specific test cases in a test suite, resembles the usage scenarios, sequences, and patterns of actual software usage by the target customers. Because the massive number of customers and diverse usage patterns cannot be captured in an exhaustive set of test cases, statistical sampling is needed, thus the term "statistical" in the descriptive title of this strategy. For the same reason, "random testing" and "usage-based random testing" are also used in literature. However, we prefer to use the term "usage-based statistical testing" in this guide to avoid the confusion between random testing and "ad hoc" testing, where no systematic strategy is implied in "ad hoc" testing. For practical implementation of such a testing strategy, actual usage information needs to be captured in various models, commonly referred to as "operational profiles" or OPs. Different OPs are associated with different testing techniques for UBST. Two primary types of usage models or OPs are: --Flat OPs, or Musa OPs (Musa, 1993; Musa, 1998), which present commonly used operations in a list, a histogram, or a tree-structure, together with the associated occurrence probabilities. The main advantage of the flat OP is its simplicity, both in model construction and usage. This testing technique is described in Section 8. --Markov chain based usage models, or Markov OPs (Mills, 1972; Mills et al., 1987b; Whittaker and Thomason, 1994; Kallepalli and Tian, 2001; Tian et al., 2003), which present commonly used operational units in Markov chains, where the state transition probabilities are history independent (Karlin and Taylor, 1975). Complete operations can be constructed by linking various states together following the state transitions, and the probability for the whole path is the product of its individual transition probabilities. Markov models based on state transitions can generally capture navigation patterns better than flat OPs, but are more expensive to maintain and to use. This testing technique is described in Section 10. Usage-based statistical testing (UBST) is generally applicable to the final stage of testing, typically referred to as acceptance testing right before product release, so that stopping testing is equivalent to releasing the product. Other late sub-phases of testing, such as integration and system testing, could also benefit from the knowledge of actual customer usage situations to drive effective reliability improvement before product release, as demonstrated in some case studies in Section 22. Naturally, the termination criterion used to stop such testing is achievement of reliability goals. Coverage and coverage-based testing (CBT) As mentioned above, most traditional testing techniques, either functional testing (BBT) or structural testing (WBT), use various forms of test coverage as the stopping criteria. The simplest such criterion is in the form of completing various checklists, such as a checklist of major functions based on product specifications when BBT is used, or a checklist of all the product components or all the statements when WBT is used. Testing can be performed until all the items on the respective checklist have been checked off or exhausted. For most of the systematic testing techniques, some formal models beyond simple checklists are used. Some specific examples of such models and related coverage include: --Formally defined partitions can be used as the basis for various testing techniques in Section 8, which are similar to checklists but ensure: --mutual exclusion of checklist items to avoid unnecessary repetition, --complete coverage defined accordingly. --A specialized type of partitions, input domain partitions into sub-domains, can also be used to test these sub-domains and related boundary conditions, as described in Section 11. --Various programming or functional states can be defined and linked together to form finite-state machines (FSMs) to model the system as the basis for various testing techniques in Section 10 to ensure state coverage and coverage of related state transitions and execution sequences. --The above FSMs can also be extended to analyze and cover execution paths and data dependencies through various testing techniques in Section 11. The generic steps and major sub-activities for CBT model construction and test preparation are described below: --Defining the model: These models are often represented by some graphs, with individual nodes representing the basic model elements and links representing the interconnections. Some additional information may be attached to the graph as link or node properties (commonly referred to as weights in graph theory). --Checking individual model elements to make sure the individual elements, such as links, nodes, and related properties, have been tested individually, typically in isolation, prior to testing using the whole model. This step also represents the self-checking of the model, to make sure that the model captures what is to be tested. --Defining coverage criteria: Besides covering the basic model elements above, some other coverage criteria are typically used to cover the overall execution and interactions. For example, with the partition-based testing, we might want to cover the boundaries in addition to individual partitions; and for FSM-based testing, we might want to cover state transition sequences and execution paths. --Derive test cases: Once the coverage criteria are defined, we can design our test cases to achieve them. The test cases need to be sensitized, that is, with its input values selected to realize specific tests, anticipated results defined, and ways to check the outcomes planned ahead of time. Model construction and test preparation are more closely linked to individual testing techniques, which are described when each testing technique is introduced in Sections 8 through 11. The other major testing related activities, including test execution, measurement, analysis, and follow-up activities, are typically similar for all testing techniques. Therefore, they are covered together in Section 7. Coverage analysis plays an important role in guiding testing and coverage criterion is used to determine when to stop testing. Automated tool support by for this analysis and related data collection is also discussed in Section 7. Comparing CBT with UBST To summarize, the key questions that distinguish coverage-based testing (CBT) from usage-based statistical testing (UBST) are the "perspective" question and the related stopping criteria: --Perspective: UBST views the objects of testing from a user's perspective and focuses on the usage scenarios, sequences, patterns, and associated frequencies or probabilities; while CBT views the objects from a developer's perspective and focuses covering functional or implementation units and related entities. --Stopping criteria: UBST use product reliability goals as the exit criterion; and CBT using coverage goals surrogates or approximations of reliability goals as the exit criterion. CBT and UBST can also be compared by the way in which they address the following questions: --Objects: Although the objects tested may overlap, CBT is generally used to test and cover small objects, such as small software products, small units of large software products, or large systems at a high level of abstraction, such major functions or components; while UBST is generally more suitable for large software systems as a whole. --Verification vs. validation: Although both CBT and UBST can be used for both verification test and validation test, UBST is more likely to be used for validation test because of their relationship to customers and users. --Timeline: For large software systems, CBT is often used in early sub-phases of testing, such as unit and component testing, while UBST is often used in late sub-phases of testing, such as system and acceptance testing. --Defect detection: In UBST, failures that are more likely to be experienced by users are also more likely to be observed in testing, leading to corresponding faults being detected and removed for reliability improvement. In CBT, failures are more closely related to things tested, which may lead to effective fault removal but may not be directly linked to improved reliability due to different exposure ratios for software faults. --Testing environment: UBST uses testing environment similar to that for in-field operation at customer installations; while CBT uses environment specifically set up for testing. --Techniques: Various techniques can be used to build models and generate test cases to perform systematic CBT. When these models are augmented with usage information, typically as the probabilities associated with checklist items, partitions, states, and state transitions, they can be used as models for UBST also. This is why we cover UBST models and techniques together with corresponding basic CBT models and techniques in Section 8 and Section 10. --Customer and user roles: UBST models are constructed with extensive customer and user input; while CBT models are usually constructed without active customer or user input. UBST is also more compatible with the customer and user focus in today's competitive market. --Tester: Dedicated professional testers typically perform UBST; while CBT can be performed by either professional testers or by developers themselves. 5. CONCLUSION In this Section, we described basic concepts of testing and examined various questions and issues related to testing. In addition, we classified the major testing techniques by two important criteria: --Functional vs. structural testing techniques, with the former focusing on external functional behavior, the latter on internal implementations. Alternatively, they can be characterized by the ignorance or knowledge of implementation details: Functional testing is also referred to as black-box testing (BBT) because it ignores all implementation details, while structural testing is also referred to as white-box testing (WBT) because the transparent system boundary allows implementation details to be visible and to be used in testing. --Usage-based vs. coverage-based stopping criteria and corresponding testing techniques, with the former attempting to reach certain reliability goals by focusing on functions and feature frequently used by target customers, and the latter focusing on attaining certain coverage levels defined internally. Based on this examination, we will focus on two major items related to testing in subsequent Sections in Part II of this guide: --Test activities, organization, management, and related issues. We will examine in detail the major activities related to testing, their management, and automation in Section 7. These issues are common to different testing techniques and therefore covered before we cover specific techniques. --Testing techniques and related issues. We will examine in detail the major testing techniques in Sections 8 through 11. The adaptation and integration of different testing techniques for different testing sub-phases or specialized tasks are covered in Section 12. QUIZ 1. Perform a critical analysis of the current practice of testing in your organization. If you are a full-time student, you can perform this critical analysis for the company your worked for previously, or based on the testing practice you employed in your previous course projects. Pay special attention to the following questions: a) What is the testing process used in your organization? How is it different from that in Figure 1? b) What is your role in software development? Are your performing any testing? What kind? What about your department and your organization? c) Is testing mostly informal or mostly formalized in your organization? In particular, what formal testing models and techniques are used? 2. Define the following terms related to testing: black-box testing, white-box testing, functional testing, structural testing, coverage-based testing, usage-based testing, operational profiles, statistical testing. 3. Can you applied the above terms and related concepts to inspection or other QA alternatives? If yes, give some examples. If no, briefly justify yourself. PREV. | NEXT Also see: |