Maintenance Strategy

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Maintenance Strategy

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This book is just one of several titles in the category Reference. More titles like this book may be found here.

by: Anthony Kelly, Ph.D.

Topics include: maintenance life plan, unit life plan, crusher circuit, maintainability diagram, optimum operating level, scheduling characteristics, reliability centred maintenance, alumina refinery, situ repair, maintenance workload, maintenance objective, repairable items, milling system, capital asset management, maintenance resources, operating pattern, plant reliability, corrective work, preventive work, maintenance strategy, total productive maintenance, decision scenario, item repair, trend monitoring, preventive maintenance schedule

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The reliability of plant systems

Maintenance objectives

Principles of preventive maintenance

Determining the life plan and schedule - the top-down bottom-up approach

Controlling plant reliability

Case studies in maintenance strategy

Exercises in maintenance strategy

Reliability Centered Maintenance

Total Productive Maintenance - its uses and limitations




The profitability of any industry, in any technological sector - power, process, manufacturing, mineral extraction, transport, communication, etc. - will be profoundly influenced by the reliability and performance of the plant which it uses. It is therefore vital that all possible measures are taken to maximize the productivity in use, and to minimize the maintenance costs and the downtime, of that plant. This book explains, in a clear and concise manner, the various organization structures that are needed for doing just that, the information systems with which those structures will need to be resourced, and the steps that will have to be taken in order to bring those structures and systems into being.

Devising optimal strategy for maintaining industrial plant can be a difficult task of daunting complexity. This book provides the plant engineer with a comprehensive and systematic approach, a framework of guidelines, for tackling this problem, i.e. for deciding maintenance objectives, formulating equipment life plans and plant maintenance schedules, designing the maintenance organization and setting up appropriate systems of documentation and control.

About the Author:

Dr Anthony Kelly, an honorary fellow of the University of Manchester and Visiting Professor at Central Queensland University, The University of Stellenbosch and Stavanger University, has held a number of senior industrial positions, taught and carried out research in maintenance management and for the last ten years run an international consultancy operating throughout the world. He has strong links with the US and Japanese Institute of Plant Maintenance, and has published numerous technical papers and books which have been translated into several languages.


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