Making Common Sense Common Practice: Models for Manufacturing Excellence

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Making Common Sense Common Practice: Models for Manufacturing Excellence

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by: Ron Moore

Topics include: reactive maintenance levels, lost uptime, plant replacement value, asset utilization rate, given manufacturing plant, condition monitoring technology, continuous manufacturers, precision process control, root cause failure analysis, improved uptime, strategic training plan, mechanical availability, benchmark plants, higher uptime, reliability culture, lowest installed cost, equipment condition monitoring, incremental capital investment, computerized maintenance management system, gross margin contribution, overall equipment effectiveness, discrete plants, manufacturing excellence, process conformance, key process variables

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Make more money in the manufacturing business - but not through cost-cutting and employee layoffs. This book clearly describes how you can turn common sense into common practice to achieve superior manufacturing performance and low-cost production.. "Through the experience of Beta International, you'll see how to increase uptime, lower costs, increase market share, maximize asset utilization, apply benchmarks and best practices, and improve many other aspects that ultimately raise your company's performance to the level of world-class. This book takes a good, hard look at plant design, procurement, parts management, installation and maintenance, training, and even offers a chapter on how to implement a computerized maintenance management system.


Chapter 1 Manufacturing and Business Excellence

Chapter 2 Benchmarks, Bottlenecks, and Best Practices

Chapter 3 Integrating the Marketing and Manufacturing Strategies

Chapter 4 Plant Design and Capital Project Practices

Chapter 5 Procurement Practices

Chapter 6 Stores/Parts Management Practices

Chapter 7 Installation Practices

Chapter 8 Operational Practices

Chapter 9 Maintenance Practices

Chapter 10 Optimizing the Preventive Maintenance Process

Chapter 11 Implementing a Computerized Maintenance Management System

Chapter 12 Effective Use of Contractors in a Manufacturing Plant

Chapter 13 Total Productive and Reliability-Centered Maintenance

Chapter 14 Implementation of Reliability Processes

Chapter 15 Organizational Behavior and Structure

Chapter 16 Training

Chapter 17 Performance Measurement

Chapter 18 Epilogue

Appendix A World-Class Manufacturing: A Review of Key Success Factors

Appendix B Reliability Manager/Engineer Job Description


John Ball, CEO, Thomas Steel Strip, Division of Hoogovens-British Steel

'Its the best management book Ive read in years.'

Klaus Blache, General Motors Corporation, Chairman, Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals

"...accomplishes its goal of offering profound knowledge that supports a journey to world-class performance." -


"Making Common Sense Common Practice picks up where Lean Thinking left off. It fills in the gaps, and more importantly, provides the 'how' of implementing Lean Manufacturing."

- Lyle Bickley, Process Improvement Engineer

Thomas Steel Strip, Division of Hoogovens-British Steel

"...the book accomplishes its goal of offering profound knowledge that supports a journey to world-class performance." - Klaus Blache, General Motors Corporation

Chairman, Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals

"It's the best management book I've read in years." - John Ball, CEO, Thomas Steel Strip, Division of Hoogovens-British Steel

" ... needless to say I agree with every word!"

- Sandy Anderson, Senior Vice President-Technology, Imperial Chemical Industries

"...illuminating, entertaining, stimulating, inspiring, and laced with good, down-to-earth, practical common sense. From a Maintenance perspective, Ron makes the perfectly valid point that Maintenance's ability to provide a high level of plant performance is heavily influenced by practices in the other key areas. Ron outlines...some highly practical tips, snippets of information, and approaches which can lead to improvement in all of these areas. For example, there is an excellent few paragraphs on Pump Reliability Best Practices, which includes half a dozen very simple, but very practical tips. ...The style is highly readable, and never dull. I strongly recommend this book to Maintenance Engineers, Maintenance Managers, and non-Maintenance Managers, who wish to have their eyes opened to the real keys to Maintenance Improvement.

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