Maintenance Fundamentals

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Maintenance Fundamentals

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by: Keith Mobley

Topics include: top dial indicator, indicator reverse method, indicator sag, bottom dial indicator, reverse dial indicator method, pure couple imbalance, bullgear compressors, split rigid coupling, diametrical pitch, hydraulic curve, torsional power, positive power transmission, elliptical bearing, proper chain length, runout gauges, elastomeric couplings, static imbalance, lubrication state, mating shafts, rabbet fit, balancing piston, straight bevel gears, suction supply, positive clutch, sprocket centers

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Maintenance Fundamentals includes modules that provide the practical knowledge required to effectively select, install, maintain, and troubleshoot critical plant machinery, equipment, and systems. Topics covered include shaft alignment, bearings, couplings and clutches, flexible intermediate drives, gears and gear drives, lubrication, packing and seals, and rotor balancing.

This is the first book in a new series published by Butterworth-Heinemann in association with PLANT ENGINEERING magazine. PLANT ENGINEERING fills a unique information need for the men and women who operate and maintain industrial plants: It bridges the information gap between engineering education and practical application. As technology advances at increasingly faster rates, this information service is becoming more and more important. Since its first issue in 1947, PLANT ENGINEERING has stood as the leading problem-solving information source for America's industrial plant engineers, and this book series will effectively contribute to that resource and reputation.

Keith Mobley is president and CEO of Integrated Systems Inc. of Knoxville, Tenn., which is also his city of residence. He has written numerous publications on such topics as plant performance, maintenance engineering, maintenance management and predictive maintenance.


Shaft Alignment

Rotor Balancing



Couplings and Clutches

Packings and Seals

Flexible Intermediate Drives

Gears and Gear Drives

Centrifugal Pumps

Positive Displacement Pumps

Centrifugal Fans

Centrifugal Compressors

Positive Displacement Compressors

Mixers and Agitators

No matter which industry a company is a part of, its profitability, like its products, is driven by the reliability and performance of its facilities. The fundamentals for maintenance found in this volume are applicable to a multitude of industries: power, process, materials, manufacturing, transportation, communication, and many others. This book shows the engineer how to select, install, maintain, and troubleshoot critical plant machinery, equipment, and systems. Keith Mobley is known all over the world for his work in maintenance engineering. He has worked with such organizations as BASF, Dow Chemical, United States Postal Service, Philip Morris, Miller Brewing, United States Steel, National Steel, Dupont, and Alcoa.


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