Total Productive Maintenance

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Total Productive Maintenance

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This book is just one of several titles in the category Industrial Maintenance. More titles like this book may be found here.

by: Terry Wireman

Topics include: net available run time, manual work order system, craft backlog, improving equipment effectiveness, equipment maintenance activities, craft technicians, actual operating time, overall equipment effectiveness, financial optimization, nameplate information, effectiveness formula, predictive maintenance programs, minor stoppages, downtime losses, design cycle time, planned downtime, loss breakdown, productive maintenance, critical spares, preventive maintenance program, operator involvement, maintenance efficiency, maintenance inventory, maintenance technicians, maintenance spares

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Completely revised and updated, this new edition of a classic reference focuses on the financial approach to the subjecta methodology that produces quantifiable results allowing a TPM program to be sustainable. And while clarifying what TPM is and what it is not, it clearly presents the economic value of TPM and shows how to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) that a company can expect. It is the perfect resource for anyone who is considering implementing TPM or looking for ways of improving their current process.


Various case studies that show how to explain the value of OEE to everyone in the organization, from the senior executive to the shop floor personnel.

OEE discussions showing how to dollarize results and present the financial terms to executive financial personnel.

A clarification of the goals and objectives of TPM, allowing TPM Champions to clearly present a TPM business case to their organizations.

Explanations of the pitfalls that may be encountered during TPM implementation and how to avoid or correct these problems.



The History and Impact of Total Productive Maintenance

Defining Equipment Losses

Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Activities Before TPM


Developing the TPM Implementation Plan

Preventive Maintenance

Maintenance Inventory Controls

Improving Maintenance Efficiency and Effectiveness

Maintenance Information Systems

Capacity Assurance Technicians

Total Economic Maintenance

Team-Based Maintenance

Performance Indicators for TPM

The Future of TPM

Maintaining the TPM Vision



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