Industrial Plastics, 4e

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Industrial Plastics, 4e

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This book is just one of several titles in the category Industrial Plastics. More titles like this book may be found here.

by: Erik Lokensgard

Topics include: impulse bonding, reactor flake, straight vacuum forming, pelletized plastics, liquid resin molding, shellac molding, hot plastics sheet, leaf stamping, static casting, plug assist, rotational casting, chopped flakes, chill roller, spin welding, expanded plastics, hot gas welding, clean flakes, bottle deposit laws, coinjection molding, solid phase pressure forming, decorating plastics, rapid production rate, vacuum metallizing, expandable plastics, hydraulic safety

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Current technologies and manufacturing methods are the keystone for this introduction to all facets of the plastics industry, highlighted by an extensive art program. Complete up-to-date coverage and graphics are further augmented by practical lab activities that build on the topics covered in the chapters, involving students in hands-on learning to strengthen the link between theory and practice. Topics covered include plastics recycling, ISO and ASTM testing specifications, and current health and safety standards. It is this broad coverage of the developments in materials and processes affects our daily lives that makes Industrial Plastics an outstanding resource for students and professionals alike.


* new section on nano-composites keeps students ahead of the curve on learning this new technology, and how it applies to the production of automotive parts

* laboratory activities appropriate for a wide range of processing equipment

* information on new all electric injection molding machines familiarize students with the latest in plastics molding equipment

* reinforce theory with hands-on applications, enabling readers to more fully understand the subject matter

* abundant graphics provide support for visual learners, while up-to-date current photos allow students and professionals to remain current with changes in the industry

* information on related internet sites as well as resource information for industrial operations offer opportunities for further study and exploration of topics

Table of Contents:
Historical Introduction to Plastics
Current Status of the Plastics Industry
Elementary Polymer Chemistry
Health and Safety
Elementary Statistics
Properties and Tests of Selected Plastics
Ingredients of Plastics
Characterization and Selection of Commerical Plastics
Machining and Finishing
Molding Processes
Extrusion Processes
Laminating Processes and Materials
Reinforcing Processes and Materials
Casting Processes and Materials
Expansion Processes
Coating Processes
Fabrication Processes and Materials
Decorating Processes
Radiation Processes
Design Considerations
Tooling and Moldmaking
Commercial Considerations


Inventors need this book
Few inventors can develop, manufacture and market their product without any use of plastics. Even if your product does not contain plastics, the packaging often does. This book is essentially an encylopedia of plastics and provides a comprehensive overview of plastics history, theory, characteristics and selection, forming, fabricating, and decorating. It has 135 pages of appendices including a glossary and detailed descriptions of plastics families and characteristics. If you need plastics in your venture, you need this book.

A good overview of plastic materials and the industry
This book provides a good synopsis of plastics materials and the plastics industry. A good reference book for students or those achieving Certified Plastics Technologist designation. Covers chemistry, types and properties of plastics, machining, processing, coating, fabrication, decorating, design and more.

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