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Industrial Automation and Process Control
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This book is just one of several titles in the category Automation and Process Control. More titles like this book may be found here.by: Jon Stenerson, Fox Valley Technical College
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For courses in Controls/Systems Process and Control Systems.
This practical text examines the main topics in industrial automation. It offers the greatest breadth and practical depth of coverage available on the subject, including a much-needed understandable discussion of process control. Because of its wide array of topics and flexible presentation, students will be able to use this text as an resource for several courses. Intended for electro-mechanical and industrial maintenance technicians.
Table of Contents
(NOTE: Each chapter concludes with Questions.)
1. Overview of Industrial Automation.
2. Safety.
3. Overview of Programmable Logic Controllers.
4. Fundamentals of Programming.
5. Rockwell Automation Addressing and Instructions.
6. Timers and Counters.
7. Input/Output Modules and Wiring.
8. Math and Advanced Instructions.
9. Industrial Sensors.
10. Introduction to Robotics.
11. Introduction to Fluid Power Actuation.
12. Fundamentals of Process Control.
13. Process Control Systems.
14. Overview of Plant Floor Communication.
15. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machines.
16. Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting.
* Trial version of programming and simulation software includedEmulates Rockwell Automation RSLogx500 programming software.
Enables students to work on PLC programming assignments at home.
* Extensive topic coverageIncludes PLCs, process control, sensors, robotics, fluid power, CNC, Lockout/Tagout and safety, and more.
Gives students a more useful, comprehensive reference for this course and for later study.
* Practical and understandable coverage of process control.
Gives students a much-needed understandable treatment of a difficult topic.
* Additional programming exercises in the PLC chapters.
Gives students extra practice in an important subject area.
* Practical examples of systems, particularly in the process control chapters.
Helps students understand the material by placing it in a relevant, real-world context.
* PowerPoint presentation included with the Instructor's ManualAllows instructors to utilize the presentation as is, or tailor it to their needs.
Helps instructors present text material in class in a more interactive, visually appealing manner.
I began writing this text for my students when I was unable to find a practical text that covered the main topics in industrial automation. It was especially difficult to find practical and understandable information on process control. The other quandary I tried to address was that I wanted my students to study many topics in some detail but not in the depth that would require a whole textbook. I was also very fortunate to find some wonderful software (LogixPro) that emulates and simulates Rockwell Automation PLC programming. Luckily, I received permission from Mr. Bill Simpsom at www.thelearningpit.com to include a trial version in this text. This software will enable students to program and test their programs on graphics simulators in the software. Included are an I/O simulator and several other simulators for student work. The software will enable students to study and practice PLC programming in the comfort of their homes. The software is time limited. The full version may be purchased very inexpensively at any time. Note that a copy of Rockwell Automation instruction help has been included on the CD as have instructions for the use of LogixPro Programming and simulation software.
The book is organized as follows.
Chapter 1 is a quick overview of industrial automation. The basic devices and controllers employed in automated systems are presented to provide a framework for understanding material in the rest of the chapters.
Chapter 2 discusses safety and takes an in-depth look at lockout/tagout procedures for personnel who are working in industrial environments.
Chapters 3 through 6 provide the basic foundation for the use of PLCs. Chapter 3 focuses on the history and fundamentals of the PLC. Chapter 4 discusses coils, contacts, and the fundamentals of programming. This is the point at which students should begin to use the software included with the book as well as the Rockwell Automation instruction help. One of the more difficult things for students to understand is addressing. Chapter 5 is designed to enable the student to thoroughly understand this topic. Chapter 6 focuses on timers, counters, and logical program development.
Input/output modules and wiring are discussed in Chapter 7. The chapter discusses digital and analog modules. It stresses practical wiring of I/O modules. Other more specialized modules are also covered.
Chapter 8 considers arithmetic instructions and advanced instructions. The common arithmetic instructions, including add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compare, are covered. In addition, logical operators, average, standard deviation, trigonometric, and number system conversion instructions are covered. Sequencers and shift register programming are also covered.
Chapter 9 presents industrial sensors and their wiring. It focuses on types of sensors, including optical, inductive, capacitive, encoders, resolvers, ultrasonic, and thermocouples. The wiring and practical application of sensors is stressed.
Chapter 10 is an introduction to robots. Robot types, uses and applications are covered.
Chapter 11 covers the fundamentals of fluid power. The chapter begins with the basic theory of fluid power and then covers cylinders, valves, and simple applications.
Chapters 12 and 13 cover process control. Chapter 12 is a practical introduction to process and control and proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) control and tuning. Chapter 13 examines the types of process control devices and then applies them to practical level, flow, and temperature control systems.
Chapter 14 focuses on industrial communication. Communication devices will surely increase in importance as companies integrate their enterprises. This chapter provides a foundation for the integration of plant floor devices.
Chapter 15 presents the fundamentals of CNC programming. It begins by examining how CNC machines work. It examines closed-loop servo control and the basics of programming CNC machines. The chapter should give the student a good fundamental knowledge of how CNC machines work and how they are programmed.
Chapter 16 focuses on the installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of PLC systems. It begins with a discussion of cabinets, wiring, grounding, and noise. The chapter provides the fundamental groundwork for the proper installation and troubleshooting of integrated systems.
Appendix A shows some common I/O device symbols.
I sincerely hope that the combination of topics covered in this book will provide you with the required depth and breadth you need in industrial automation.
In addition, particular thanks are due to Paul Brennan, Monroe Community College, Marvin Maziarz, Niagara County Community College, Robert J. Tuholski, University of Massachusetts-Lowell, and Charles Wiser, S.U.N.Y.-Alfred State College.
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