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Building Technology: Mechanical and Electrical Systems
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This book is just one of several titles in the category Building Technology Mechanical and Electrical Systems. More titles like this book may be found here.by: Ben Stein
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First Sentence: The basic purpose of HVAC design is to provide a comfortable, usable indoor "climate" throughout the year.
Book Description
The complete guide to building technology
This comprehensive guide provides complete coverage of every aspect of the building technologist's profession. It details design and installation procedures, describes all relevant equipment and hardware, and illustrates the preparation of working drawings and construction details that meet project specifications, code requirements, and industry standards. The author establishes procedures for professional field inspections and equipment operations tests, provides real-world examples from both residential and nonresidential construction projects, and makes specific references to code compliance throughout the text.
This new edition incorporates changes in building codes, advances in materials and design techniques, and the emergence of computer-aided design (CAD), while retaining the logical structure and helpful special features of the first edition. More than 1,100 drawings, tables, and photographs complement and illustrate discussions in the text. Topics covered include:
* Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems- equipment and design
* Plumbing systems- equipment and design
* Electrical and lighting systems- equipment and design
* Testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures for all building systems
* Every aspect of the building technologist's profession, from the creation of working drawings through on-site supervision and systems maintenance
Extensive appendices include conversion factors; duct design data; test report forms for use in field work; design forms and schedules for electrical, HVAC, and plumbing work; and more.
The publisher, John Wiley and Sons
This book provides the necessary knowledge base for architects, building technologists and engineers alike to keep pace with advancements in mechanical and electrical systems and CAD innovations in order to plan and build intelligently for the future. Includes the most recently released building codes and clear and precise illustrations.
From the Back Cover
The complete guide to building technology
This comprehensive guide provides complete coverage of every aspect of the building technologist's profession. It details design and installation procedures, describes all relevant equipment and hardware, and illustrates the preparation of working drawings and construction details that meet project specifications, code requirements, and industry standards. The author establishes procedures for professional field inspections and equipment operations tests, provides real-world examples from both residential and nonresidential construction projects, and makes specific references to code compliance throughout the text.
This new edition incorporates changes in building codes, advances in materials and design techniques, and the emergence of computer-aided design (CAD), while retaining the logical structure and helpful special features of the first edition. More than 1,100 drawings, tables, and photographs complement and illustrate discussions in the text. Topics covered include:
* Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems equipment and design
* Plumbing systems equipment and design
* Electrical and lighting systems equipment and design
* Testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures for all building systems
* Every aspect of the building technologist's profession, from the creation of working drawings through on-site supervision and systems maintenance
Extensive appendices include conversion factors; duct design data; test report forms for use in field work; design forms and schedules for electrical, HVAC, and plumbing work; and more.
About the Author
BENJAMIN STEIN, PE, is a consulting engineer and former associate professor at B'zalel Institute's School of Environmental Design in Jerusalem. He worked in New York City for over 25 years as a consulting engineer. He is coauthor of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings- a text for architecture students, now in its eighth edition, also available from Wiley.
Table of Contents:
Heat and Human Comfort.
Thermal Balance of Buildings.
Hydronic Heating.
Electric Heating.
Air Systems, Heating and Cooling, Part I. Air Systems, Heating and Cooling, Part II.
Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB).
Principles of Plumbing.
Water Supply, Distribution and Fire Suppression.
Drainage and Wastewater Disposal.
Introduction to Electricity.
Branch Circuits and Outlets.
Building Electric Circuits.
How Light Behaves; Lighting Fundamentals.
Residential Electrical Work.
Nonresidential Electrical Work.
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