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Toxic Mold Symptoms

Toxic mold symptoms are often overlooked or misdiagnosed by doctors owing to their likeness to flu and other illnesses. Recent years have witnessed a rise in the cases of toxic mold-related illnesses across the U.S. Toxic mold, which is often caused by leaky pipes or badly sealed windows, can swarm a house, office, or an apartment within weeks. It is odorless and breeds in poorly lit and damp conditions, making it hard to detect without professional help. Unless the source of toxic mold is removed, symptoms can get progressively worse and eventually lead to grave illnesses.

Mild symptoms of toxic mold appear quite similar to the common cold, including red eyes, sore throat, and headache. As toxic mold infestation grows and mycotoxins fill the air, the symptoms may increase in severity to include asthma, sinus headache, nasal congestion, dizziness, skin rashes, hives, difficulty in swallowing, involuntary facial movements, irritable bowels, excessive fatigue, recurrent sore throat, chronic cough, bleeding lungs, pulmonary hemorrhage, increased risk of tuberculosis, and osteopenia. Continued exposure to toxic mold may result in life-threatening illness like pulmonary hemorrhages, seizures, and tuberculosis.

While it is not be possible to identify specific individuals who may be more susceptible to toxic mold, senior citizens, small children, infants, and people with weak immune systems and allergies are considered the most vulnerable to toxic mold-related illness. People with existing respiratory illness and asthma should be particularly careful of lung infections, which can be activated due to prolonged toxic mold exposure.

The best means of avoiding the serious repercussions of toxic mold is to have your home or office tested as soon as the above-mentioned symptoms appear. A straightforward mold test can guard the health and future of a family.

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