A glance at the table “What Price Renovation?” shows us that replacing
doors and windows is one of the higher-priced home improvement projects,
costing quite a bit more than re-roofing and residing. This might tempt
a home renovator to try to get by with cheap materials, but that’s not
a good idea from the standpoint of low maintenance.
Better to buy good
doors and windows and cut out frill improvements like solar green houses,
wood decks, etc. By the same token, in order to save money, a new house-builder
might be tempted to install smaller windows than the architect thinks
fit the proportions of the house. That’s not a good idea, either.
Doors and windows are very visible and influence the way your house looks
perhaps more than any other feature. Windows, too small proportionately,
look weird.
What was the Price of Renovation in the mid-1980’s?
Improvement / Average Cost |
Description |
Add a room
$27,000 |
400 sq. ft. (15’ X 25’) addition
with slab foundation, roofing, siding, gypsum-board interior,
insulation in walls and ceiling, six insulated glass windows,
two skylights, patio door, electrical work, and decorating. |
Add a swimming pool
$17,000 |
16’ X 32’ in-ground pool with aluminum
walls, vinyl liner, accessories, and 3’ concrete surround. |
Remodel kitchen (major)
$15,000 |
New cabinets, paint, and appliances
(dishwasher, stove, range hood, and sink), vinyl flooring (12’
X 14’), ceramic tile for backsplash, and new laminate countertop and molding. |
Replace windows and doors
$9,500 |
Replace 16 exterior windows with
new aluminum, wood, or vinyl windows with insulated glass, replace
two wood entry doors with energy-efficient doors, and add two
storm doors. |
Add a solar greenhouse
$9,200 |
8’ X 13’ solar greenhouse installed
against house, with double glazing, door, concrete foundation, and slab floor. |
Add a full bath
$6,000 |
Tub and shower, vanity, sink, cabinets,
tile for wall, and flooring for 5’ X 7’ bath. |
Add new siding with insulation board
$5,500 |
New aluminum, vinyl, or steel siding
for 1,600 sq. ft. house with ¼” foam insulating board. |
Remodel kitchen (minor)
$5,200 |
Refinish cabinets, new vinyl flooring
(12’ X 14’), paint, sink, range, and new laminate countertops. |
Remodel a bath
$4,400 |
Paint, new wall and floor tile, and complete new fixtures (sink, tub, and toilet) in 5’ X 7’ bathroom. |
Add a wood deck
$4,000 |
16’ X 20’ deck of cedar or preservative-treated
wood with handrail and built-in bench, and concrete for posts. |
Add a fireplace
$3,000 |
Energy-efficient, factory-built model
with glass doors, floor-to-ceiling stone or brick face, 5’ X
5’ hearth, 6’ mantel, flue and fittings. |
Add a two-car garage (shell, detached)
Add a two-car garage (shell, attached)
$ 10,250 |
Frame construction on 20’ X 24’ concrete
slab, fiberglass roof shingles, aluminum siding, two overhead
doors, gutters, paint, window, and basic electrical service.
20’ X 24’, same as above. |
Construct a dormer (shell)
$2,200 |
8’ X 10’ shell with shed roof, 7’
ceiling, asphalt shingles, aluminum siding, and one window. |
$1,370 |
260 lb. fiberglass shingles installed
over old roof or cleared deck on roof of 24’ X 40’ house. Roof
of average pitch. |
Add resilient flooring
$1,130 |
Sheet vinyl (medium grade), with
‘/ underlayment and vinyl baseboard in 14’ X 20’ room. |
Insulate attic floor
$770 |
R-30 fiberglass or rock wool blown
in between joists of 24’ X 40’ attic.
R-30 fiberglass batts between joists of 24’ X 40’ attic. |
Replace carpeting
$980 |
Remove old carpeting. Interior carpeting
priced at $12 per yard installed with padding in 14’ X 20’ room. |
Add a skylight
$510 |
Double-glazed skylights 25” X 49”
aluminum frame on wood curb installed in asphalt-shingled roof. |
Source: Rodale’s New Shelter, March 1986.
Notes: Keep in mind that labor and materials costs vary widely
in different parts of the country, so the figures listed here are
only ballpark estimates. An extensive, detailed listing of costs
for these and other home improvements can be found in Means Home
Improvement Cost Guide, published by R. S. Means Company, Inc., 100
Construction Plaza, Kingston, MA 02364.
Cost figures 1 through 11 are average figures from a survey by
Remodeling World magazine. Cost figures 12 through 18 are based on
estimates for a typical metropolitan area in Home-Tech Remodeling and Renovation Cost Estimator (1985), compiled and edited by Henry
Reynolds. All figures used by permission.
Glass, or glazing as the pros call it when referring to windows, is
a marvelous material from the standpoint of low maintenance. It breaks
fairly easily, but if you can avoid that, glass lasts nearly forever.
Probably no one gets through house maintenance over a lifetime without
experiencing at least one broken window.
Actually, you can obtain glass panes that are just about unbreakable.
But they are too expensive and too heavy to outfit a house. One of
the cafés in our town has an entrance door with a large window that
has cracked a time or two by an over exuberance emanating from the
bar. Also in our town is a Guardian Glass factory. The café owner and the international glass company got together on the problem and installed
an experimental new kind of glass that's almost unbreakable. Oh, you
might be able to drive a bulldozer blade through it. But you can kick
it as hard as you can wearing Green Beret boots, and the only thing
that will happen is that you will come away with a bruised foot.
Improving Glass’s Insulative Value
The problem with glass, beyond its breakability, is that heat and cold can pass through it almost as easily as light. It has hardly any
insulative value. To solve that problem, first the storm window was
invented, in effect providing two panes for the cold air to work its
way through. Since air itself isn't a bad insulator, it works pretty
well, cutting down about 50 percent of heat loss through the window.
A refinement upon that came next: double panes with a hermetically
sealed air space about ½ inch wide between them. Then came triple panes, and even “quad panes.” Who knows where that would have stopped were
it not for another discovery:
Special coatings on the panes, usually put on the air space surface
of the room side of a double-glazed window, could give more insulative
value than adding a third pane. Within a year, all the advertising
hype about how great triple-pane windows were over double-pane windows
quieted down in favor of hyping coated double-pane windows, which is
where the progress in insulated glass now stands. (This is another
example of how quickly “expert advice” can become obsolete in the housing
industry, or at least how it can become beside the point. It should
teach us, but probably won’t, to be a bit more conservative in how
fast we’re ready to spend good money on the most current promising
Using Andersen Window statistics, a Perma Shield Casement window with
a double pane has a U-value of .52. With a triple pane, the same window
has a U-value of .35. With High Performance coated, insulating double-pane
glass, the U-value goes down to .30. And the latter window costs less
than the triple pane one.
The first coatings developed to slow down the transfer of heat or
cold through windows were plastic films sandwiched between two layers
of glass. But the new coatings are metallic, bonded to the glass, and go by various names: low-e (for low emittance); High Performance (Andersen);
Sungate (PPG Industries, Inc.); Sunglas (Ford Glass); and no doubt
many more by the time you read this. The metallic coatings do not cut
down the clarity of the glass noticeably. But they do slow down the
movement of heat from the outside during summer and from the inside
during winter. Also, there is less loss of interior cool air from air-conditioning
in summer. But there is something of a trade-off with these coatings:
The windows will not let as much solar heat through in winter, either,
when you could benefit from it.
(We are talking here of radiant heat—the transmission of energy by
means of electromagnetic waves. These coatings cut down on the movement
of such waves. Conduction is the transfer of heat through a solid medium, and conventional insulation over windows I like thermal shades and shutters] inhibits that. Convection is heat transfer by the movement
of air; air barriers such as you find between layers of glass cut down
on that.)
The Values of U-value and R-value
U-value is a designer calculation, arrived at by tests that rely on
complicated scientific measurements. U-value expresses the total amount
of heat transfer in Btu that 1 square foot of wall or ceiling or floor,
etc., will transmit per hour for each degree Fahrenheit of temperature
difference between the air on the warm and cool sides.
R-value is the measure of the resistance that a section of building,
material, and air space or surface film offers to the flow of heat.
The R-value is thus the reciprocal of the U-value.
In windows, R-value can be roughly calculated with this formula:
R-value =1 / by U-value
The lower the U-value, the better the insulation. Conversely, the
higher the R-value, the better the insulation.
Condensation Problems
In addition to cutting down on heat loss in winter and the loss of
cool air in summer, insulating windows with coated glass and double and triple panes has another advantage: condensation is minimized on
the inside pane. This is a great boost to low maintenance.
Condensation runs down the window pane and the moisture soaking into
the sash causes paint to peel, wood to swell, even possibly deteriorate.
Not only that, but it's a little-known fact that wood is a good insulator
(and therefore the reason it has been preferred for window frames).
But it’s only great when it’s dry. When wood is wet, its insulative
value decreases considerably. It may then “sweat” almost as badly as
a metal sash that has no thermal barrier in it.
Condensation occurs when warm, humid air cools rapidly. Cool air can’t
hold as much moisture as warm air, and so when warm air cools as it
comes in contact with a cooler window or any cooler surface, it releases
the water in it. Obviously the closer to room temperature the inside
pane of glass is kept, the less condensation.
However, the real cause of excessive condensation isn't the window
so much as it's the air: The window dripping with watery sweat is
telling you that the air in your house is too humid. If you have good
double-pane insulating windows and condensation is still bad, it may
mean your family is taking too many showers without turning on the
exhaust fan, or you have a clothes dryer and /or gas appliances without
outside vents (water vapor is a by-product of gas combustion), or moist
air is seeping through your basement walls, or your crawl spaces lack
vapor barriers covering them, or your attic and /or crawl spaces lack
good cross ventilation.
If condensation forms on the inside surface of a storm window, your
regular window isn't tight enough and your storm window is too tight.
A storm window needs to have a bit of ventilation to the outside. If
you get moisture between double- or triple-pane glass, the hermetic
seal is broken or not sealed right in the first place. Good windows
usually carry a guarantee against this happening.
Under certain conditions, you may get a flare-up of condensation.
Do not lose your cool and start sweating yourself. Right after you
have done some renovating (or when you first heat up a new house),
you may get heavy temporary condensation on the windows. This is the
moisture being driven out of the new concrete, plaster, and wood by
your heating sys tem—all perfectly natural. Also, over a humid summer
your house will usually absorb considerable amounts of moisture, and when you first turn on the heat in the fall, you may experience window
condensation for a week or so.
Another point to remember: If your windows are condensing more than
they should, it's very possible that condensation is also forming
inside your walls where you don’t see it, just waiting to cause you
all kinds of eventual maintenance problems.
What’s New in Window Glass improvements?
Even with the best coatings available now, glass has an insulation
value of no more than R-3.7, a mighty improvement over its unadorned
state, but not much compared to what can be done with the rest of the
house. (Walls typically have R-values of 12 to 18; ceilings have R-values
of 20 and more.) The future holds great promise, however. Scientists
(especially at the Solar Energy Research Institute in Golden, Colorado)
have experimentally raised the R-value of glass windows to over 10
by using one or more coatings plus what is called “evacuated glazing.”
The air is removed from between a double pane of glass and the space
filled with a gas or with tiny glass beads that keep the panes from
collapsing due to the vacuum. Along with low- emittance coatings, this
glass-honeycombed vacuum results in relatively high R-values, with
good light transmission. The glass beads are so tiny they aren't visible
as such. The technology uses lasers to seal the glass. With improvements
in laser technology, the process can become cost-effective, say scientists.
Another method involves the use of aero-gel, a pure silica very much
like glass. But it's porous, not solid like glass, and full of tiny
air pockets that inhibit heat transfer. Sealed between two panes of
glass, this material also increases the R-value of windows significantly.
Much of the work on this project is being done by the Windows and Daylighting Group at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, California.
Tinted (and Screened) Glass
Glassmakers are marketing tinted windows now to shield out sunlight and save on air-conditioning, particularly in warm climates. Such tints
are especially effective if used with one of the coated glazings I
just spoke about. These tints cut down on clarity but still allow a
good view of the outdoors. Also available are tinted “solar screens,”
which fasten outside the regular window like a storm window and do
away with the need for interior blinds. These screens, usually of vinyl-coated
fiberglass, are often installed on tall office buildings where solar
heat gain can be a special problem.
Coatings and tints do more than add to glass’s insulative value. They
also block out some of the sun’s ultraviolet light, which, as we have
seen, eventually deteriorates nearly everything, even slate roofs.
Thus fading and deterioration of fabrics—drapes, carpets, furniture—inside
the windows is reduced.
Decorative Glass
The ultimate in tinted windows, for very special places, is the decorative
window of beveled, leaded, stained, patterned, or etched glass. We
think of these products as being decorative only, however, like brick and stone, they can be marvelously functional, too. Not only can they
be more insulative than ordinary glass and more shielding of ultraviolet
rays, but they act as privacy screens while still admitting considerable
amounts of light. That’s why they work beautifully as entrance sidelights,
tub enclosures, and room dividers, for example. Most decorative window
glass is used for door windows where a homeowner can show off the elegance
of beveled and leaded glass to best effect.
If you can’t afford the cost of real leaded glass, inventive mankind
has come to the rescue. There is a process now by which the lead channels
or “came” is bonded onto laminated glass, giving the appearance of
leaded glass patiently pieced together by handcrafting. No, it doesn’t
look as good as well-made leaded glass, at least not to the craftsperson,
but on the other hand, it doesn’t look as bad as poorly made leaded
glass, either. The laminated “real-fake” stuff usually carries a 10-year
guarantee against separation of the laminations. The price, of course,
is much less than for real leaded glass (although not cheap by any
means) and is a better compromise than the out-and-out simulated leaded
glass. Beveled, sand etched, and patterned glass can all be manufactured
mostly by machine (rather than handcrafted) and so, for a comparatively
low price, can be satisfactory for most homeowners.
But I would urge anyone interested in a door window, or entrance sidelights,
or in an overhead transom window to search out a stained glass craftsperson
in your area and commission a custom-made real McCoy. A smallish piece
will not break you, and it will be a source of joy forever. As much
as anything, the cost of the glass itself will govern price. Some of
the exceedingly beautiful art glass available is expensive. And worth
it, at least for a small window.
Window Frames and Sash
With home improvement projects so much more popular now than “trading
up” to a new home (a trend that could change soon with interest rates
going down as I write), the replacement window business is sweeping
through the marketplace like wildfire. Which replacement window is
best? The confused customer becomes only more confused when he tries
to find out.
Special Care for Vinyl
In some cases, paints and stains can cause damage to vinyl. Do
not paint vinyl-covered foam weather stripping. Creosote-based stains
can be particularly harmful. Check the information and cautions that
come with your windows or talk over any painting or staining with
your window dealer.
Wood, Vinyl, Aluminum, or Steel?
You’ve got a choice of wood, vinyl-clad wood, aluminum-clad wood,
vinyl, aluminum, vinyl-clad aluminum, steel, and I suppose eventually
fiberglass, though I know of none right now. Every manufacturer has
a bible full of statistics and facts to show why its product is better
for the price than the others.
Solid vinyl replacement windows appear at the moment to be the best
buy for low maintenance, and I say that grudgingly since I confess
to a built-in bias against vinyl. But before I get ahead of my story,
let’s examine some statistics accepted by all the replacement window
proponents. Ac cording to official standard testing procedures, heat
loss in British Thermal Units (Btu) per hour through the various materials
was found to be:
- Wood: 1.2
- Vinyl: 1.3
- Steel: 312.0
- Aluminum: 1,416.0
Vinyl isn't good insulation itself, but it obviously conducts a little
more heat through it than wood, and both are far better than metal.
But perhaps the most significant part of this set of statistics is
how much less conductive steel is than aluminum. The difference is
so great that one should no longer compare wood versus metal, but more
specifically, wood versus steel, or wood versus aluminum. Steel, with
a baked-on enamel, might be a practical compromise between aluminum and wood or vinyl in that it's stronger than any of them and far more
low maintenance than wood. Wood’s advantages are several. It has greater
tensile strength than vinyl; it can be shaped into a window with home
shop tools if necessary (no small consideration in this era of high
window prices); and it's considered by most people to be the most
But wood means high maintenance, whereas vinyl is extremely low maintenance.
In fact, some vinyl windows now come with a lifetime guarantee against
fading, cracking, peeling, etc—all the ills that climate can visit
upon wood. Cladding the exterior side of the wood window with aluminum
or vinyl reduces maintenance but is no guarantee that moisture will
not get into the wood and eventually deteriorate it.
The only clear disadvantage I can find to solid vinyl (and I’ve hunted
hard) is that some kinds will not take paint. Since they come in only
a very limited number of colors (a situation surely to be remedied
as the windows grow in popularity), they may not fit the color of your
house, or, more importantly, of your interior decor. Vinyl’s other
disadvantage is purely subjective. To some of us, it's ugly. It need
not be ugly, but I suspect if the plastics industry started making
really gorgeous vinyl colors, patterns, or textures, it would cost
as much as good wood or enameled steel.
Aluminum supporters insist their product is stronger and more en during
than vinyl, but it may turn out that aluminum’s wonderful combination
of lightness and strength can't be adequately utilized or appreciated
in a window. Time will tell.
Solid vinyl windows are too new at any rate for a final decision as
to endurance. But right now, a good vinyl window, molded for strength
with lots of little air pockets inside for insulation, looks like the
best buy for low maintenance. A good steel frame with a built-in thermal
barrier for insulation is a close second. Wood, with exterior vinyl
cladding, is best for insulation and beauty by the standards of today’s
Finally, all the talk about how insulative various frames and glass
are amounts to little if there are cracks and leaks around the window.
A window is only going to be as good as its fit into the wall, and that means a careful carpenter and a good caulking job.
Double Hung, Sliding, or Casement?

The outside of double-hung windows used to be difficult
to clean. But not anymore. Many new models tilt in for easy cleaning.
Whether you buy double-hung, sliding, or casement windows is a matter
of choice, I suppose. Used to be, sliding and casement windows had
the edge for ease of cleaning. But now you can get double-hung windows
that tilt inward, so you can clean both sides from inside the house.
There are places where a casement window, swinging in or out on hinges,
will be in the way or unhandy, but they are much to be preferred otherwise,
if you want my biased opinion. Casement windows fit tighter. The other
two kinds slide in grooves, and if there is any law that holds true
today, yesterday, and (I will bet) tomorrow, it's this: any window
that can stick will stick. (A great cure for a slightly sticking window
is petroleum jelly, by the way.)
Have great respect for those little cranks on casement windows that
allow you to open and close the windows from inside. Even on the best
windows, the cranks are fairly fragile; their little worm-type gears aren't really quite large enough for the job they are asked to do.
Learn and memorize which way turns the window out and which way turns
it back in. The threads on those cranks are often stripped by people
trying to turn them the wrong way. High maintenance from sheer carelessness.
Comparing Window Frame Construction Materials
Although the table here is overly prejudiced toward vinyl, it will
help you get a quick grasp of the maintenance problems involved with
windows. The table appears to me to be unfair to both wood and steel.
Wood frames treated with preservative will need maintenance but “very
often” is overdoing it. Steel with the baked-on enamels now being used
can hardly be said to rust unless the paint chips off, which is unlikely
To say that vinyl will never deteriorate or require maintenance is
to walk boldly into the future indeed. Never is a long, long word.
Solid vinyl windows are scarcely five years old. And you will notice
there is no comparison of structural or tensile strength in the table.
And heat or cold does transmit through vinyl even though as a material it's a poor conductor of heat or cold. What’s more, there is no allowance
made in the Btu statistics for a thermal barrier in a metal frame,
which increases metal’s insulative value considerably.
Considerations When Selecting Frame Materials for Windows:
- Will it remain structurally strong for years of trouble-free service?
- Does heat or cold transmit through the material?
- How many Btu per hour are lost?
- Is it warm to touch even when it's winter outside?
- Will it require painting or other regular maintenance?
- Will scratches show a different color material under the paint?
- Does it pit, rust, rot, or warp in inclement weather conditions
or by natural aging?

Shutters, Shades, and Insulating Covers
It may be a decade or more before products made from things like gas,
glass beads, and aero-gel are practical for the residential market.
In the meantime, you can greatly increase a window’s insulative value
by the use of various kinds of shutters, blinds, shades, etc., that
were publicized so much during the years of high fuel prices. Now that
oil prices are tumbling, you need to punch new figures into your calculator
to see if the expense of more insulation really pays. But just as sure
as night follows day, there will be more fuel shortages down the road,
be they real or contrived.
Many kinds of interior window shades and shutters have come and sometimes
gone in the last decade. The only real drawback to the less expensive
ones is that, try as hard as you can to think positive, they still
aren’t very attractive. As homeowners improved or replaced leaky old
windows, these more or less stopgap (literally) methods of keeping
heat in and cold out have declined in popularity. But the more attractive,
relatively expensive, interior folding shutters, some with movable
louvers, are still available (see your lumber and home supply dealer).
There are also some good interior storm windows available. They’re
much easier to put up than exterior storms, but most, if not all, make
it impossible to open the window once they’re in place, so they’re
best put only on those windows you plan to keep closed all winter.
The tightest are shrink-wrap plastics, but they are usually used one
season and then thrown away.
Exteriorly, a really excellent low-maintenance solution for keeping
out unwanted summer sunlight is to build a house with a roof that extends
out far enough to shade windows in summer while still allowing lower
winter sun in. The overhang also adds years of life to window frames and siding. Building low maintenance directly into the house design
is the most economical way to do it. If your house does not have an
overhang, window awnings, on the south side at least, are a low-cost
Exterior shutters are a good idea, and the proof is that they keep
coming back in new form. Shutters on the outside are more effective
than on the inside in keeping cold out of the house. They provide good
storm protection, muffle noise, insulate during the night when windows
lose so much heat, and provide privacy, especially over those large
glass patio doors where drapes aren’t practical. The new rolling shutters,
which can be operated by hand or electrically from inside, also are
fairly effective deterrents to burglars. And they are good for fine-tuning
the amount of sunlight you want to allow through glass walls in a passive
solar heated home. The interlocking slats of vinyl unroll from an aluminum
housing tucked up under the roofline, and in many models the bottom
slat locks automatically in the lower sill. No regular maintenance
is necessary. Two manufacturers are Perfecta (Reflexa Werke in West
Germany, distributed by American Reflexa, 31843 West 8 Mile Road, Livonia,
MI 48152), and Security Shutters (Security Shutters Corporation, 109
James Street, Venice, FL 33595). Other brands are available through
local lumberyards and housing suppliers.
Automatic rolling shutters are quite expensive. For a 3-by-4-foot
window shutter installed, Perfecta quotes a price of $600 (2006). And
for one 6-by-7-foot glass patio door, $565 fully installed. The shutters
come in a selection of colors, and they are, while not beautiful, not
unattractive. At their high price, though, I wonder if some enterprising
builder might not start marketing a modem version of the old wood shutters
that would probably be less expensive, look better, and perform the
same job. They were once so popular and in a way, still are (although
now we use them just to frame our windows).
Exterior shutters have another potential advantage rarely mentioned.
Because today’s double-pane windows reflect the exterior landscape
al most like a mirror, birds fly into them and die of broken necks,
especially where houses are surrounded by trees. Closing the shutters
partially, especially during mating and nesting seasons, would save
many birds.
Popular in Europe for many years,
rolling exterior vinyl window shutters are becoming more commonplace
here. They provide window security, and the ones that have insulated
vinyl slats add cold weather protection as well.
Skylights and Roof Windows
All the climatic problems that ordinary windows must deal with are
compounded in skylights. Where an ordinary window loses some heat at
night, a skylight is prone to lose more. Where sun glare through an
ordinary window can be a problem, it will be worse through a skylight.
The chances of a skylight leak are much greater than an ordinary window
leak. To quote David Bullen, of the American Institute of Architects,
from an article in Rodale’s New Shelter (November/December, 1983):
“A skylight will make an energy contribution in a northern climate
if it: 1. faces south; 2. is pitched steeply to catch the low winter
sun; 3. is somehow shaded to keep out summer sun; 4. can be opened
to vent hot air; 5. is at least double glazed and ideally equipped
with insulation; and 6. is sized correctly—not so big that it overheats
the room it lights.” In the South, the skylight should be shaded and face north, says Bullen, to minimize air-conditioning costs.
Obviously, that’s a tall order and from the low-maintenance point
of view, a homeowner might wonder if the effort is worth it. Most architects
say yes, not just because skylights and roof windows add a dramatic
touch to the interior of the house, but because, engineered correctly,
they really can take the place of daytime electric lighting. Imagine
a light fixture in your ceiling that never bums out, never needs maintenance
once properly installed except for cleaning, and adds nothing to your
electric bill.
Shading on skylights is imperative to save on air-conditioning and glare. Some skylights come with optional shutters—miniature versions
of the roller shutters I described earlier. Others have a metal screen
on the exterior of the glazing to deflect strong sun. Still others
have tinted glass or plastic. In hot climates, the skylights should
open to let out excessive heat. For cold climates, double panes should
be the rule, but some manufacturers sell a triple and even a quadruple
thermal insulated skylight made of Lexan. It is rated at a U-value
of .16 in a 15 mph wind, and has an R-value of 6.35, which the company
says is 400 percent more energy efficient than conventional, aluminum-framed
models. Velux skylights are also quality products (Velux-America, Inc.,
P.O. Box 3208, Greenwood, SC 29648). The firm has been a pacesetter
in the skylight business for years, and their prefabricated flashings
all but solve the perennial leak problem in roof openings.
Because of the diffusiveness of light, researchers and inventors are
finding that the roof opening need not be large at all; in fact, it
can be quite small. Entering light, with proper reflective surfaces
in the ceiling, spreads out to bathe the room below. Light entering
the room through a vertical shaft on the roof is diffused by reflective
plastic glazing, then spread out inside the room by the flared ceiling
on either side of the opening.

Clerestory windows let in a good deal of light but don’t
bring with them many of the problems that skylights are prone to,
like leaking and over heating the room below with direct sun.
When choosing a skylight, remember that they will get dirty quicker
than windows. The roof windows that open so that you can clean both
sides from below may be worth the extra cost.
Despite all the good news about improvements in skylights, clerestory
windows, serving the same purpose as skylights, are a better choice
strictly from the standpoint of low maintenance. Though we are inclined
to think of them as something new, clerestories go back at least to
the Romanesque architecture of the early Middle Ages. Being vertical,
such windows are less likely to leak and can be more easily opened
for ventilation, or shaded against the glare of sunshine. Clerestories
are of course less adaptable; they have to be designed into the house,
or rather, the house designed for them. Remodeling a roof to take clerestory
windows may be economically impractical, despite low-maintenance advantages.
Glass Patio Doors
When glass doors first became popular, people were forever running
into them, or through them, with subsequent ghastly injuries. Now tempered
safety glass is almost always used. If your patio door does not have
safety glass in it, replacing it should be a high priority. Low maintenance
extends to you and your children, too.
The old patio doors were also unsatisfactory in other ways. Usually
made of uninsulated glass framed in aluminum, they had little or no
insulative value. Now you can get clad wooden frames or insulated metal
ones as well as tinted glass that cuts down on glare and on heat transmission.
Old patio doors leaked water and in winter, frost built up on the inner
surface of the glass. Insulated glass and all kinds of magnetic or
vinyl or compression sealed weather stripping are standard on patio
doors now. In addition, old sliders tended to balk and stick, inspiring
new and wonderful combinations of cusswords. Nor were they very secure
against intruders, which led to some amazing high-tech security devices
utilizing, among other things, broom handles. Special locks and strike
plates make patio doors securer now. In addition, Bilt Best Windows
( 175 10th Street, Sainte Genevieve, MO 63670) and no doubt others,
supply a footbolt with their windows that's supposed to keep out that
most unwanted of intruders, the bug. (A footbolt is a little sliding
bolt at the base of the door, operated by the foot, of course. Close
the door and wedge the bolt against the side of the channel that the
door slides in.) Rollers equipped with ball- bearing wheels now allow
sliding doors to move easily and much more quietly.
Patio doors that swing open like casement windows or ordinary doors
are now coming into vogue. They generally close tighter than sliders.
Such doors are usually installed in two sections—one fixed, one movable.
But triple sections, with two fixed and one movable section, are available,
as are other combinations, if you want to special order. Patio doors
are made in the same choice of materials as entry doors (see below).
Entry Doors
When it comes to choosing an entry door, people that are otherwise
very practical throw the logic of low maintenance to the wind in favor
of what they consider beautiful. If this is foolish, I nonetheless
find satisfaction in it since it proves once more that human beings
are still, well, human. The true-blue American, especially when she
is my wife, will have a varnished wooden door, no matter what. Period.
End of discussion. Don’t bother me with facts about low maintenance.
The only way to build low maintenance into a wooden entry door is
to build an ample overhang over it, or an entryway in front of it and add a storm door—in effect making the exterior door an interior one.
Obviously adding a storm door hides the glory one has spent so much
money to achieve at the entrance. Considering the increase in burglars and door-to- door salespeople (I can’t swear that statistics show an
increase, but it seems to me that both are more common these days),
I wonder why people want an inviting front door anyway. My secret desire
is to have an artist paint a very realistic likeness of a cannon of
But it was not until Mrs. True-Blue American refinished her lovely
wood door the third time (in 12 years) that she even consented to a
storm door. This addition alone dropped our winter fuel bill by $50.
It stopped most of the hurricane that had whistled through the cracks
that appeared when the door warped in cold weather. (It wasn’t the
cold weather that actually warped the door, but rather the fact that
the outside face of the door was a frigid 0°F and the inside face was
a warm 80 degrees.
I’m over-maligning wood doors a little, since you can buy good ones
that are guaranteed not to warp more than 3/16 inch—like the solid
oak doors sold by mail nationwide by Kirby Mill Works ( Box 898, Ignacio,
CO 81137). But by the time you get such a door installed, complete
with hinges, hardware, jamb sets, etc., you are talking in the neighborhood
of $1,000 And even Kirby says, at the end of its limited warranty statement:
“We do not recommend any type of wood door in areas that get heavy
exposure to sun, snow, or rain.”
The sun causes the worst damage. Ultraviolet rays will get you, sooner
or later, and in the case of wood, sooner more often than later. Here
is where, if ever, woods naturally resistant to rot, like walnut, should
be used. But a solid walnut door would be an extravagance of the highest
order. Oak is the best we can afford, it seems. Oak is okay if it's good old-growth oak, which is scarcer than walnut.
If you insist on having a wood door at the entrance, you should treat
it with a penetrating oil that will make it water-repellent, and then
put on a minimum of three coats of good, hard ultraviolet-inhibiting
exterior varnish. I recommend the best grade marine (boat) varnish
you can buy, even if it's rather too shiny for a door. Paints, which
shield out the sun, hold up better than any clear finish, but of course,
if you are going to paint over the wood’s beautiful grain, you have
eliminated the only reason for using wood in an entry door.
As an alternative, there are insulated steel doors that look like
wood, which are almost twice as insulative as standard wood doors.
They have a polystyrene or some other insulative core, and thermal
breaks that keep cold from crawling through and frosting the inside,
as can otherwise happen with steel. These doors aren't beautiful to
the traditional eye, I grant, and they can warp a wee bit in the same
strained situation I put my wooden door through, but they require far and away much lower maintenance than wood. They are attractive, too
(for a factory product), and in some cases you can hardly tell by looking
that they aren't wood. (I often wonder about our penchant for tradition.
Wood grain is beautiful and I love it. But metals have their own beauty,
too. Why make steel look like wood? Burnished steel can be as beautiful
as varnished wood.) Steel doors, like wood doors, have been spruced
up with all kinds of decorative moldings (called plants): real and fake leaded glass lights, beveled glass lights— whatever you desire.
With all kinds of new magnetic seals and vinyl weather stripping, why
not a steel exterior door? It is much more secure against breaking and entering, or can be, and of course it's also fireproof.
Every door has weaknesses. Many steel doors have plastic plants on
them. With the sun glaring down through a storm window, so much heat
can be generated that the plastic will melt and distort, if it's painted
a dark color. Steel doors aren't maintenance-free. Rust will get to
them eventually, requiring repainting perhaps. Also the wood lock blocks
in steel doors are often smaller and weaker than in good wood doors.
You can attempt the best of both worlds by choosing an aluminum or
a vinyl-clad wood door. The advantages and disadvantages are the same
as for clad windows: aluminum adds strength, is more durable, but has
no insulative value. Vinyl has a little, but tends to get brittle in
cold temperatures. Either way you get better low maintenance for the
money than from a mid-priced, all-wood door.
The latest addition to the replacement door market is a fiberglass
model from Therma-Tru Corporation (P0. Box 7404, Toledo, OH 43615).
The door is made of two sheets of compression-molded fiberglass with
a core of insulating polyurethane. There’s a 5-year limited warranty
against splitting, cracking, warping, or rotting. Notice I do not use
the word “fading.” You can plane, stain, or paint fiberglass like wood,
al though I imagine your plane will dull quicker. A primer before painting
is a must. Fiberglass doors, according to tests, have greater insulative
value than either wood or insulated steel. Therma-Tru claims insulation
values for their doors up to R-15.
You should equip your entry door with a dead-bolt lock. Such a lock
can’t be opened with a plastic card the way the detectives do on television.
Hacksawing a dead bolt is difficult, especially if it’s a 2-incher.
A single cylinder dead bolt with a thumb turn on the inside is handiest,
but a burglar can often break the glass of the sidelight, reach in, and flip the thumb turn. Dead bolts that open only with a key on both
sides aren't legal in all states because you may not find the key
if you need to escape quickly in case of fire.
Having a storm door also equipped with a dead bolt adds to security
Becoming popular now are ornamental iron storm doors with double dead-bolt
locking systems. These storm doors are attractive, and an intruder
almost needs a welding torch to get through. But they hide the beauty
of the entry door.
Garage Doors
Let a person who is without bias correct me, but isn’t the garage
door about the ugliest part of the modem home? Typically it's also
the door for highest maintenance. And depending on where the garage
is attached to the house, it can be the source of a lot of cold air
working its way into your fuel bill.
The typical garage door is a flush door with sectional panels of exterior
“hardboard.” Hardboard might be any number of kinds of regurgitated
wood—flakes, sawdust, whatever, and lots of glue. But don’t look down
your nose too much. The panels are fairly durable and won’t warp as
much as wood in its original state. They will need repainting occasionally,
but so will other materials.
If you want to spend a little more money, manufacturers are offering
better-insulated garage doors that are more attractive, too. Some manufacturers
offer raised panel doors in real wood or in insulated steel. The steel
ones require less maintenance—the better ones are pre-painted with
baked-on epoxy primer and polyester finish coats that last a long time
with minimal or no rust. The insulation is a polyurethane core bonded
between the exterior and interior steel skins. Watertight seals between
the panel sections and self-draining water channels are two more features
to look for in an overhead garage door. On the cheapest doors, or in
some cases not- so-cheap doors, the hardware is of low quality. Even
the handles will break after several years for no apparent reason.
Rollers need to be oiled regularly. It is amazing what oil will in
fact achieve in ease of operation. Other than that though, overhead
sectional doors are surprisingly durable. If you install an automatic
garage-door opener, then you will begin to experience maintenance problems.
The only guaranteed low-maintenance automatic garage-door opener is
your arms and legs. Good low maintenance for your body, too.
Weather Stripping
Caulking is still a good way to seal out weather around doors and windows, but it’s high maintenance. So are other “quick fixes” like
duct tape, plastic inserts for windows, and other easily applied seals.
But a little more time and money spent on weather stripping the first
time gives you a much longer period of low maintenance or no maintenance.