Fitting and Pattern Alteration: Introduction

If you desire beautifully fitted and comfortable clothing that communicates knowledge, poise, and a positive self-image, this guide will be a source of satisfaction for your creative efforts. It presents innovative and tested methods of garment fitting and pattern alteration. We hope it will increase your insight, proficiency, and confidence and stimulate further creative experimentation.

Teachers, students, seamstresses, fitters, and tailors agree that individualized fitting and pattern alteration are two of the most frustrating tasks in clothing construction. Our intent is to overcome the problems that contribute to these feelings. Our approach is to teach methods of fitting and alteration that are logical, accurate, consistent, efficient, complete, and satisfying. We have relied upon our own experience in the classroom and authentic experimental research.

The resulting guide may be used with confidence as a teaching/learning tool. There is still room for refinement in methods, explanations, and illustrations. We invite your comments and look forward to related research.

We desire to meet the needs of the seamstress, student, teacher, lecturer, demonstrator, fitter, and tailor on both the professional and lay level. To meet these needs adequately, we have developed the following features.

• Each figure and pattern is realistically illustrated; each illustration was first drawn to scale and then photographically reduced in size.

• Each alteration procedure is accompanied by meaningful identification of the figure variation causing the fitting problem. Understanding the what and the why of the procedure is incorporated into the explanation, thus reinforcing learning.

• Each alteration is logical and appropriate for the specific fitting problem. We have carefully incorporated consistency in approach.

• Alteration procedures are presented in a logical manner. A subsequent procedure doesn't cancel a previous alteration.

• Each procedure has been developed to keep necessary restorations to a minimum. Restorations don't introduce inaccuracies.

• Each alteration example was completed on an actual pattern to ensure the completeness, consistency, and accuracy of the reproduction.

• Each alteration procedure has been developed to eliminate distorted pattern pieces.

• A choice of methods is offered to allow for varying abilities, purposes, or desires.

• Our approach encourages use of the simplest methods for a particular alteration, thus increasing efficiency.

• Illustrations are generally self-explanatory.

• Specific alteration procedures are given for multiple variations occurring on the same figure, since most figures varying from standard require more than one alteration.

• Alteration directions are given for the asymmetrical figure.

• Alteration procedures for basic pattern pieces are also applied to fashion pattern pieces.

• Part Two is organized for use as a ready reference.

Experience is essential to the sharpening of perception and to the perfecting of any skill. As you apply the techniques set forth in this guide, we are confident you will develop self-reliance and the satisfaction of knowing that you too can consistently achieve a fault-free, custom fit.

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Friday, 2009-10-16 17:50