Successfully Managing Change in Organizations: A User's Guide

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Successfully Managing Change in Organizations: A User's Guide

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This book is just one of several titles in the category Management. More titles like this book may be found here.

by: Stephen J. Thomas

Topics include: radar diagram, spiral learning, work process change, team readiness, oversight team, nonlinear change, next spiral, successful change effort, web diagram, right consultant, change initiative, goal agreement

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This book was written for all managers who have been given the difficult task of bringing change to their organizations. It addresses organizational change at the working level. It is a user's guide in change management, written by a user, for users. This is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to know, step by step, how to implement change successfully.


Draws on the author's wealth of practical experience and emphasizes that the elements of change are interrelated, that they constitute a Web of Change: change one element and you must see what the impact will be on the others.

Identifies and explains eight key elements of change.

A way to measure change in each element and its affect on the others is presented on paper and through a computer program on an enclosed disk.


Part One: Getting Started

Introduction to the Process of Change

Laying the Foundation

Change: Not Linear, But Nonlinear

The Vision of the Future or How Do We Know Where We Are Going So We'll Know When We Have Arrived

Part Two Concepts Which Will Contribute To Success

From Vision To Reality

The Roadmap Of Change

A Case For Teams

Working with Consultants

Resistance To Change

The Web Of Change

Part Three Execution: It's More Than Magic

The Elements

Fitting The Elements Together

How to Handle the Process Of Change


Part Four Completion And A New Beginning

Techniques Of Continued Growth Conclusion

This book addreses a market that has really not been tapped. There are many books out there about change but none that address it from a users perspective. This is a "how to do it" book that helps those of you tasked with the difficult process of change in your company to effectively address the issues and make the change process a success. As I say in Chapter 1, "it does more than start you on the road, it accompanies you on the journey." It is well worth your while to obatin a copy and use it as you go through the process.


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