Rotating Electric Machinery and Transformer Technology

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Rotating Electric Machinery and Transformer Technology

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by: Donald V. Richardson; Arthur J. Caisse

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Appropriate for courses in electrical, mechanical and manufacturing technology as well as laboratory courses in rotating electric machinery.

This text fills the need for an up-to-date source of information on how to connect, operate, adjust, and take performance data for the entire field of electric machinery.

Appropriate for courses in electrical, mechanical and manufacturing technology as well as laboratory courses in rotating electric machinery.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.
2. Electromagnetic Energy Conversion.
3. Actual Machine Construction, DC Dynamos.
4. Direct-Current Generator Characteristics.
5. Paralleling of Direct-Current Generators.
6. The Direct-Current Motor.
7. Efficiency of Direct-Current Machinery.
8. Basic Control Components.
9. Direct-Current Motor Control.
10. Direct-Current Motor and Generator Selection.
11. Alternating-Current Dynamos.
12. The Synchronous Alternator.
13. Synchronous Alternator Regulation.
14. Paralleling of Synchronous Alternators.
15. Ideal and Practical Transformers.
16. Transformer Equivalent Circuits.
17. Specific Transformer Types.
18. Transformer Connections.
19. The Polyphase Induction Motor.
20. Polyphase Induction Motor Characteristics.
21. The Synchronous Motor.
22. The Single-Phase Induction Motor.
23. Shaded-Pole, Synchronous, Universal and Other Single-Phase AC Motors.
24. Alternating-Current Motor Control and Operation.
25. Alternating-Current Motor Selection.
26. Special Uses of Synchronous and Induction Machines.


* Enables readers to recognize, understand, analyze, specify, connect, control and effectively apply the various existing types of electric motors and generators.

* Includes explanations of SI unit relationships with extensive conversion tables, then provides worked solutions to sample problems in both English and SI units.

* Emphasizes efficiency understanding and measurement, including relationships:
Provides a deeper understanding of these valuable principles and procedures to enable students to select proper machines.

* Presents up-to-date information on machine frame sizes, installation dimensions and ratings, allowing students to make informed machine choices and to recognize existing installations that use obsolete and/or inefficient machines.

* Provides accessible, non-mathematical, current coverage of semiconductor control devices and triggering of electronic control.

* Discusses basic triggerable switches using a practical, familiar, behavioral approach, avoiding a high degree of mathematical detail.

* Integrates triggerable switches and their triggering circuits to illustrate electronic power supply systems for motors:
Shows students the synergistic outcome and power of power electronics in the control of motors.

* offers more information on solid state control, reflecting the latest developments in the field.

* provides current information on changing motor and generator frame size dimensions and ratings, making the text suitable as a reference.

* presents state-of-the-art power electronic switching devices and demonstrates how they are triggered and integrated.

New To This Edition

* NEWoffers more information on solid state control, reflecting the latest developments in the field.

* NEWprovides current information on changing motor and generator frame size dimensions and ratings, making the text suitable as a reference.

* NEWpresents state-of-the-art power electronic switching devices and demonstrates how they are triggered and integrated.


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