Maintenance, Repair and Operations Inventory Control

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Maintenance, Repair and Operations Inventory Control

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by: Mark Goldstein, Joel Levitt

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This is a complete and thorough presentation of the basic dos and donts for setting up and running an effective maintenance storeroom. MRO and spare parts often represent 40-70% of the maintenance budget.


The authors draw upon their vast experience to differentiate managing maintenance inventory from the broader inventory management models taught in schools.

Relates the issues of managing the storeroom with the realities of the MRO world.

An invaluable aid to anyone working in the maintenance storeroom, as well as purchasing agents and buyers focusing on MRO buying.


Setting up an MRO Inventory Control Operation

The Material Support and Control Survey

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling: The Drivers for MRP, JIT and Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce

Obtaining and Maintaining Accurate Records

Purchasing and Storeroom Management

Integrated Supply and Services Management (ISSM)

The Physical Stockroom

The Economic Stockroom

Dealing with the Part Itself

Appraising the Effectiveness of the Maintenance Repair and Operating Maintenance Materials Distribution Program


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