Lean Manufacturing Pocket Handbook

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Lean Manufacturing Pocket Handbook

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This book is just one of several titles in the category Manufacturing. More titles like this book may be found here.

by: Kenneth Dailey

Topics include: Cellular Manufacturing, Continuous Improvement, Visual Management, Kaizen Event, Local Optimization, Production Leveling, Inventory Model, Total Productive Maintenance, Empty Kanban

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Speak the Language - Understand the Concepts - Know the Techniques

"The Lean Manufacturing Pocket Handbook" is intended as a reference guide covering the terms, concepts and techniques involved in Lean Manufacturing. It is written in an easy to understand fashion making it useful to both the seasoned Professional and the Novice.

Paper Back - .166" x 3 " x 5 " - 44 Pages - 27 Visuals - 34 Definitions - 16 Examples

About the Author

Kenneth Dailey is a degreed Industrial Engineer with twenty years of manufacturing experience in fields as diverse as Circuit Cards, Electromechanical Assemblies, Machine Shops and Sheet Metal Fabrication. He has a straight forward, common language writing style that makes his writings useful to a wide spectrum of readers.


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