Computer-Managed Maintenance Systems

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Computer-Managed Maintenance Systems

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This book is just one of several titles in the category CMMS. More titles like this book may be found here.

by: William W. Cato and R. Keith Mobley

Topics include: effective maintenance organization, work order planning, preventive maintenance work orders, justification package, effective maintenance management, open work orders, standard maintenance procedures, invoice matching, preventive maintenance plans, maintenance planners, work order number, craft personnel, equipment reliability, character terminals, work request, inventory file, maintenance resources

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A computer-managed maintenance system (CMMS) is an integrated set of computer programs and data files used to manage the massive amounts of data generated by maintenance, inventory control, and purchasing. It even incorporates work backlogs, schedules, preventive maintenance plans and their schedules, labor utilization, and maintenance cost distribution.

A CMMS will also track materials used, including quantities and cost. With this system you can control inventories and maintain optimum, cost-effective levels of parts. This system can also provide historical, current and future information as a summary or in detail.


Chapter 1: Determining the Need and Selling the Program

Chapter 2: Definition of a CMMS

Chapter 3: CMMS Justification

Chapter 4: CMMS Vendor Selection

Chapter 5: Project Implementation

Chapter 6: Integrating a CMMS with Other Systems

Chapter 7: CMMS and Client Server

Chapter 8: Why a CMMS Fails

Chapter 9: How to Assure Success

Appendix A: Comparison of CMMS Systems

Appendix B: Typical CMMS Data Fields

Appendix C: Sample CMMS Vendor Evaluation Form

Appendix D: Benchmark Criteria for World-Class Organizations



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