Earthscore: Your Personal Environmental Audit and Guide

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Earthscore: Your Personal Environmental Audit and Guide

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by: Donald W. Lotter

Topics include: household energy, average minimum temperatures, yard wastes, moderately heavy; United States, Environmental Protection Agency, National Wildlife Federation, New York, Earth Action Hero, Eco-Sherman Tank, Morning Sun Press, Resources Co-op America, Resources Rocky Mountain Institute

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Editorial Reviews

Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin, co-authors of "Your Money or Your Life" A well-crafted guide to evaluating the impact of your actions on the earth and scoring your 'earth friendly' quotient. A great motivator!

Jacqueline Blix and David Heitmiller, Co-authors "Getting A Life"
If you're trying to live a littel greener, and you're not sure how you're doing, you need Earth Score. This interactive guide is designed to help you analyze your lifestyle and the demands you make on the planet.

Audubon Naturalist Society
This book brings us face-to-face with the reality that the earth's good health begins and ends with us.

Book Description
EarthScore offers today's environmentally conscious reader the opportunity to quantify the impact of their home energy and water use, transportation choices, consumer purchases, waste disposal, land use, toxics, environmental advocacy, respect for the land, livelihood, and family planning. By analyzing readers' response to 107 simple questions, EarthScore tallies Impact Points, which assess one's impact on the environment; counts Action Points, measuring positive contributions; and provides a score and rating on your own personal EarthScore chart--plus extensive resources for improvement are included throughout each section.

About the Author
Don Lotter has been active in environmental issues for 25 years. He is currently finishing up his Ph.D. in environmental science at the University of California, Davis.


eye opening on your environmental impact
very thought provoking on how your actions and daily routines effect the environment. Splits up how you impact the environment into areas such as household energy, your mode of transportation, how you buy goods, and how well you put your ideals into practice. Also give references for more information on each area and ways to decrease your impacts.

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