Molds -- Indoor Air Pollutants — Where to Find Them and What to Do

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• Basement or crawl space.

• Kitchen.

• Bathrooms.

• In, and under, carpet and rugs on cold floors.

• On window frames or below windows.

• In, and on, furniture against outside walls.

• Inside wall cavities where there is dampness or condensation.

• In damp or unventilated storage areas.

• Closets, especially ones adjacent to exterior walls.

• Around plumbing leaks.

• Near roof or wall leaks.


• Fix basement plumbing and leaks.

• Do not store porous, absorbent materials such as cardboard, newspaper, or books in the basement. Keep the floors and walls clear.

• In winter, do not turn on the humidifier unless relative humidity falls below 30 percent.

• Provide better general ventilation, and spot ventilation in damp areas.

• Insulate fresh air ducts and cold water pipes to prevent condensation.

• Use air-vapor barriers to keep wall cavities dry

• Remove carpets and rugs from cold floors, such as basements.

• Remove obstacles obstructing air flow in damp areas.

• Eliminate piles of newspapers, clothing and other materials in damp areas that can give molds a place to grow.

Prev.: Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Next: Moisture

Also See: Toxic Mold Testing

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