Feeding and Care of the Horse

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by: Lon D. Lewis

Topics include: moderate body condition, flexure deformities, moldy corn disease, total diet dry matter, grain mix fed, developmental orthopedic diseases, wet molasses, dry matter fraction, growth plate enlargements, internal parasite control program, exertion myopathy, fescue poisoning, secondary selenium accumulator, anticipated mature weight, excessive dietary energy, iodine toxicosis, complete pelleted feed, glossier hair coat, milk replacer pellets, feeds commonly fed, air dry feed, following foaling, mature grass hay, intestinal calculi, dehy pellets

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Editorial Reviews Book Info Second edition of a detailed reference for the nonveterinarian, such as horse owners, trainers, or breeders, on the care of the sick and well adult horse and foal. Abridged version of Equine Clinical Nutrition, 1995, by the same author. Color and halftone illustrations.

Most comprehensive guide yeT -- This was one of my college text books- I was an equine science major. It's probably the most comprehensive guide to horse nutrition and feeding practices ever written so far. It discusses different vitamin and mineral deficiencies and excess with photographs of horses suffering from these imbalances, teaches you how to calculate the nutritional needs of horses of various ages and activity levels, types of feed and hay, types of pastureland. The color section on poisonous plants is especially helpful. The book is very information intensive, but I found all of the information to be extremely useful and applicable. I retained a lot of information from this book, which I don't always do with textbooks! I think anyone who keeps their own horses or manages a stable would greatly benefit to reading this book.


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