Tricks of the Trades: Jigs, Tools and Other Labor-Saving Devices

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by: Fine Homebuilding (Editor)

Topics include: nail pouch, drawing above shows, base rod, auxiliary fence, flue linings, fiberglass batts, spa room, isolation membrane, joist hangers, vapor barrier, rigid insulation, construction adhesives, silicone caulk, air barrier, shop vacuum, joint compound

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From Library Journal
The tricks here have appeared in Fine Homebuilding's "Tips and Techniques" and "Q & A" columns, both based on reader submissions. The hundreds of one-to two-paragraph tips and techniques that take up more than half the book cover such projects as building sawhorses, fabricating handy containers of every sort, and optimizing tool storage in a pickup truck. The ideas are mostly practical and often wonderfully improvisational. The remaining section addresses specific building problems submitted by readers and answered by other readers or editorial consultants in the "Q & A" column. These problems are larger in scope and address such issues as ridding basements of radon, solving moisture problems, retrofitting insulation, and more. A browser's delight for amateur and professional builders; recommended for popular how-to collections.
Bill Demo, Tompkins Cortland Community Coll., Dryden, N.Y.
Copyright Reed Business Information, Inc.

Fine Homebuilding Tricks of the Trades
Fine Homebuilding magazine
Jigs, tools and other labor-saving devices
Would you rather clean stain off your hands without using thinners or solvents? Do you know how to cut acute angles on a chopsaw? Do you know a simple and safe way to set an extension ladder at the correct angle? These and many other ideas from Fine Homebuilding magazine are reprinted here for the first time.
Tricks of the Trade is filled with imaginative solutions that you'll find immediate uses for, and you'll also be stimulated to create original solutions of your own.

Fine Homebuilding Tricks of the Trades

Fine Homebuilding magazine

Jigs, tools and other labor-saving devices

1. Jigs, Vises and Clamps

2. Hand Tools

3. Power Tools

4. Saws

5. Nails and Screws

6. Bits

7. Sawhorses and Benches

8. Layout and Measuring

9. Boxes, Belts, Bats, Buckets and Storage

10. Trucks and Vans

11. Health, Safety, Comfort and Cleanliness

12. Some Surprising Ideas

13. Questions and Answers from Builders



Fine Homebuilding Tricks of the Trades

Fine Homebuilding magazine

Jigs, tools and other labor-saving devices

Have you ever faced a seemingly simple problem on a project and not been able to come up with a solution? It's maddening, isn't it? You know there's an answer just beyond your reach. If you could just get your brain cranked up and focused, you'd be sure to get it.

Well, sometimes you do get it -- and what a great feeling that is! But sometimes you don't, and you may wind up wasting time and materials in a solution that you later realize made no sense.

For a generation now, Fine Homebuilding magazine readers have had a forum for dealing with such intractable problems. Their solution has been two extroadinarily popular columns that appear in each issue: Tips & Techniques and Q & A.

Tips & Techniques is a monologue; it provides answers only. It is the filtered collection of hard-won tricks developed by experienced professionals and skilled amateurs facing real building problems. Hundreds are submitted to the editors, but only the select few are chosen to be published. And readers are constantly telling us how useful these ideas have been to them.

Q & A is a dialogue. Builders with problems they can't solve write in to the editors, who find pros who have faced and solved the same problem. Sometimes their response elicits other respoinses, and a fascinating exchange of ideas may ensue.

The net impact of both columns is the same: people sharing problems and solutions in an open forum and helping each other become better craftsmen.This book is a collection of the best ideas from these columns. It focuses on subjects near and dear to the hearts of may do-it-yourselfers and professionals -- building jigs, making new use of old parts, finding additional uses for tools, improving tool techniques, and creating devices out of items you thought were junk or just used for something else. It proves something that many of us have suspected for a long time -- that the real pleasure is in the process and the discovery as much as in the satisfaction of completing a job well done.

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