More Shop Drawings for Craftsman Furniture: 30 Stickley Designs for Every Room in the Home

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by: Robert W. Lang

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Book Description These workshop drawings feature 27 pieces of household furniture designed by Gustav Stickley and his contemporaries of the Craftsman movement. Every type of furniture is represented here: Morris chairs, chests of drawers, wall shelves, bookcases, sideboards, dining tables, occasional tables, beds, side chairs, and rockers. Each project includes a perspective view along with elevations, sections and details, and complete measurements.

About the Author Robert W. Lang is project engineer for a large woodworking company and a contributing writer to Fine Woodworking. He lives in Ravenna, Ohio.


Plans Without Frills: By happenstance I came across this volume before encountering the first volume. While it provides the minimum basic information to build some 30 pieces of furniture based on Arts & Crafts designs it failed to inspire me to purchase the first volume. The primary reason is that while the information provided is good, there is nothing to inspire me to build or adapt any particular piece. Why? Because Robert Lang relies a bit too much on my imagination. I'm a bit of a free spirit in the wood shop. I like combining features I like, adding a few twists of my own, and taking a few, judicious risks. Lang seems to have unerringly chosen the simplest, and often the dullest work of a carpentry movement that was anything but simple and dull. Perhaps this should have been titled 'Craftsman Furniture for Beginners.' It would have captured the approach more accurately. This is a book that would have been improved immensely by the inclusion of a handful of glossy pages with photographs of the completed designs. Something to fire the imagination and make a few of the mysteries a bit clearer. A few pieces (all china cabinets oddly enough) exhibit some of the grace of Stickley's best work. But other than some details of construction, there are other sources that capture the essence and style better. That being said, it is a good start for a beginner who wants to get some straightforward work underway before tackling the complexities of which Arts & Crafts work is capable. But I would still recommend spending the time perusing a few coffee table books of the movement. Arts & Crafts wasn't just a style, it was an aesthetic movement that continues to have an influence on modern furniture making.

Great Book of PLans, But Beware of Errors! I have both of Robert Lang's books on Craftsman Furniture. They are perhaps the best books of their type that I have seen. I am on my third project from his books and look forward to completing many more. The plans in the books are not for the novice as there is no project-by-project advice or guidance. You must figure-out the cuts and details for yourself. There are 16 pages of general information that is quite helpful to those who know how to apply such information to specific situations. Unfortunately, there are some dimension errors that lead to cutting lumber too short, wasting both time and money. For example, on page 130 there are two errors that cost me dearly. Apparently the book was not reviewed closely enough. Still, I would like to thank Mr. Lang for his books and look forward to his future contributions!

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