Sew Fast Sew Easy : All You Need to Know When You Start to Sew

Sew Fast Sew Easy : All You Need to Know When You Start to Sew
Sew Fast Sew Easy : All You Need to Know When You Start to Sew

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by: Elissa K. Meyrich

Topics include: fuse tape, straight grain line, hem tape, your hemline, baby hem, taper line, seam guide, inch seam allowance, tracing wheel, your sewing machine, bobbin thread, needle plate, your fabric, sewing line, thread guide, your skirt, excess fabric, stitch length, zigzag stitch, side seams, elastic waist

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Book Description:

Book Description Includes three ready-to-use patterns Reinvent Sewing for the Twenty-first Century! "Where did you get your skirt?" Ever want to create your own designer-look fashions? Develop unique accessories or home decor? Even if you've never held a needle or used a sewing machine, this book is all you need. With three simple patterns and easy-to-follow instructions, you can put your own stamp on fashion and step out in style-yours! You'll learn: - Tips and techniques from a fashion industry insider - How to use your sewing machine to express your creativity - How to custom-fit commercial patterns for that sexy look - All about the latest fabrics and the best ways to use them Plus a glossary of sewing terms makes quick reference easy. So don't wait. Use the ideas and simple how-to instructions in this book, and everyone will want to know the secret source for your fabulous clothes and accessories! About the Author Elissa K. Meyrich is one of the garment industry's true insiders. A designer and mixed-media artist, she teaches her techniques to sold-out classes in New York City's fashion district at her store, Sew Fast Sew Easy.

Beginning sewers should start here! -- The only mistake that I made in purchasing this book was that I bought it after I had spent money on other, more complicated, books marketed towards the beginning sewer. If you have literally NO prior experience, cannot decipher a "selvage" from a "crosswise grain", buy this book. It is elementary in its explanation and directions, without being condescending. It is full of tips and suggestions that I found no where else, and as an added bonus-it includes 3 ready to use patterns! Trust me and buy this book FIRST! Sewing can be frustrating to the novice, and intimidating, with all of the jargon and precision that is involved. You will be very satisfied with your purchase! Great book for a beginner! -- My mom recently bought me a sewing machine as a gift, and I had no clue how to use it. I leafed through a lot of sewing books trying to decide which one to buy; most of them were much thicker than this one, and filled with advanced techniques that I wasn't ready for. This book actually takes you through the process of threading the machine, explains basics about fabric, tools, taking body measurements and gives you a list of essentials to buy for your sewing kit. The best part for me was that it's goal-oriented. SFSE comes with 3 patterns for a pillow cover, tote bag and skirt. Each project has step-by-step directions and great diagrams. The projects get more difficult as you go, so you learn more and more with each project. If you want a sewing book that will actually teach you how to sew (vs. a reference manual) this is the one. This would also make a great gift--the book design is really cute!

Best Beginner Sewing book around - 2 Recommendations in 1 -- I wanted to share with everyone this wonderful book that my friend Sara told me about. I purchased the book and learned to sewing using the author's soothing and detailed instruction. I would recommend this book to anyone who has ever had an interest in sewing or anyone who sews and feels like they are missing some things. It comes with three patterns and instruction for assembly that gets more complex. Totally cool! Here is my bestfriend, Sara's, commments: This weekend I started working on a holiday card holder that I designed myself, using mostly scrap fabric in a patchwork pattern. It's like a long narrow patchwork quilt, with ribbon for hooking the cards around and a couple of pockets for stuffing cards in. I used fusible interfacing, which I learned from the totebag project, so that the flimsier rayon fabrics would work well with the heavier cotton fabrics -- it worked like a charm. I'm still fussing with finishing the sewing; the backing fabric is velvet -- it's hard to sew properly, it keeps gripping and shifting! But I'm also using the patience I cultivated with your book, along with judiciously wielding my seam ripper. I'll send a photo when it's done -- it's very "martha," but I think you may like it anyhow. And I definitely got the confidence and the techniques from my Sew Fast Sew Easy projects. Enjoy reading and sewing! Sew Fast SO money Hungry!! -- This company is EVIL. The woman running it is a money hungry botch who thinks that she owns the rights to "Stich and Bitch" when that term has been around longer than she's been alive. She is trying to get a Stitch and Bitch group in Chicago to stop, when she has no rights at all. Please do not support this evil company. They don't want to promote crafting. They just want your money!


Great book -- This is the only sewing book I have ever purchased that actually makes sense. I use the tote bag all the time, the pillows are adorable and would make great gifts, and the skirt fits like a glove. The only thing missing is that she doesn't tell you to finish off seams (zigzag stitch or cut with a pinking shears) so that the finished project doesn't ravel when you wash it. Great book! -- I bought this book based on other Amazon recommendations and wasn't disappointed. I already knew the basics of using a sewing machine but couldn't get beyond using it for mending and hemming. I've even taken classes at a great fabric store, but still hadn't managed to learn enough to feel confident. This book taught me how to work with patterns and make new items -- the envelope pillow cover is great, I've now made several as gifts, and the skirt was one I'd actually wear! Now I've sewn two Vogue patterns, one hat and one purse, that get compliments all the time. I feel like I'm on my way to becoming a real sewing enthusiast! A great book for all newcomers to sewing machines and sewing from patterns. Enjoy it!

Excellent Book for Sew-Phobics.... -- Elissa's book is wonderful...I bought it here immediately after I borrowed it from the library as I had to own it and make the projects included in it. I had reviewed many beginning sewing books before finding this one, and it is really a unique guide that can help anyone learn how to sew, even absolute beginners and "phobics". It very simply and in plain language walks the reader through step by detailed step, how to thread a machine, lay out and cut pattern pieces and handle each of the progressive projects in the book. I like that the book has "attitude" and personality and is not like any of the other boring sewing books out there. Another strength is that the three patterns included in the book are for items that most people would be able to use and are nicely (and simply) designed - a pillow cover, tote bag and very simple short or long skirt. There are a minimal number of pattern pieces but the results really look professional when the projects are completed. Since completing the projects in this book, I've visited Elissa's web site and have ordered one of her additional patterns which I plan to start working on soon. She also has online classes which I plan to try as I do not live anywhere near her NYC studio where she teaches. Excellent book, overall - I highly recommend it!

An EXCELLENT book for a beginner!!! -- This book is an excellent starter book for those who don't know ANYTHING about sewing and feel somewhat intimadated by the sewing process. The author is able to calm a person's fears and make sewing seem like it's so easy. One of the BETTER instruction books I've read. Just read the instruction book instead -- As someone who just recently bought and learned how to use a sewing machine, I hoped this book would serve as a dress-making primer. Instead, it's just a glorified sewing machine instruction booklet. The author devotes just a couple of pages to cutting out, and wastes space telling us stuff most people already know - like that linen wrinkles easily (she also says that lyrcra is very "in" right now, which gives me little faith in her fashion knowledge). The patterns included are uninspiring - the skirt is particularly hideous. A complete waste of money.

You will sew both fast and easy. You'll be amazed. -- This book is absolutely wonderful. I never thought I'd learn to sew and was a bit worried when I got a machine and figured I'd try to learn with a book or on my own. With this book I have learned how to make the pillow, bag and skirt she shows in the book. I am addicted to making the skirt and now even have the confidence to try some other things and use other books. I wish I had found this book sooner and wish I could take one of her classes. If you are just learning to sew, but this book first. You will really surprise yourself. Buy It -- I did not know how to use a sewing machine at all. My husband bought me a machine and I turned to this book for help. Within 2 hours I sewed a pillow case. 2 hours after that I sewed a pair of curtains for my bathroom. This book was a tremendous help.

Great Book! -- I bought this book because I read good reviews of it online. I bought a sewing machine after getting the book and used it to teach myself how to sew. I had no help at all except for the book. The projects were easy and very stylish. I've completed all the projects and just wish that I lived in NYC so that I could take lessons from the store. Check out their website. Buy this book and no other!!! Face to Face -- I have taken classes with Elissa. I was so inspired byher I purchased her book. It guided me the way to really comprehend the materials. Plus, its a great reference book to have when you leave the machine for a few weeks.

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